Heh - well I was in the Finnish military and I'm aware of the fact that the army is unable to put spare (or service) time into effective use:)
What's the policy on having & using laptops there?
Edited: 16.Jan.2006 15:05 UTC
You really don't want to know how much spare time we have in Iraq, the main thing I fought was boredom :P During my first 6 months in Iraq I must have read about 30 books, watched hundreds of DVD's, and beaten about a dozen video games. For my last 6 months I decided to spend my spare time learning about mapping, and this was my first product. It taught me a great deal, but I almost didn't release it because towards the end my skills had improved dramatically from when I started it. If I had to rebuild the map now, it would look completely different. It's still a lot of fun to play in CPMA though. I'm much happier with my second map, Puncture Wound.
I'm home now and working on a map for Quake 4, but it's coming along more slowly since I'm not so bored all the time :)