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@Tig thanks for the explanation
overwriting backups before you notice
I've been there ;)
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@Takkie : From memory there were a few files with different issues. The common issue that was easy to fix was caused by different compression (zip) applications and non-standard options.
The only time storage time becomes an issue is when the storage drives fail or you get bad sectors. As there is always two back-ups, this not really a problem, unless you overwrite your backups before you notice :)
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@Tig thanks for clearing that up, I am just curious... and now I am curious about what could cause such a corruption. Could it be long storage time or a difference in format between old and newer zip file tools?
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@Takkie: During an audit of the zip files, it was discovered that there was some corruption on the original PK3. This was able to be repaired, but the file stamp was also updated during that correction. That is why the PK3 build date was updated.
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I like this map. The combination of surprisingly good gameplay and the lack of any visuals treats makes this level memorable. It is one I once in a while come back to. For me a 'classic'.
BTW. I noticed the pk3 build is set to Aug 2020 which is unexpectedly recent ;)
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#21 23 Mar 2000
Hey O'doyle.... if you have HUM stuff, please contact me. I have a strange feeling my mail addy is on this page...
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#20 20 Mar 2000
Good map for me though it too easy to dominate when you play more than two players. Design is of the kind I like, Q1 style. It was quite big fun to play.
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#19 08 Mar 2000
This map really surprised me. It was constructed really, really well... but it was so visually boring that... I don't know, I couldn't stick around. If Tigger-oN ever sticks my maps up :) you'll see that so far I don't have much room to talk about other's visuals... but even so, a little variety in lighting or something would have been nice.
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#18 08 Mar 2000
Hey Vedder - I used to work with HUM. I was playing dumb on the song title :P I got lotsa HUM shows on tape and CDR if you're interested (in particular one I recorded with a 4-track in Atlanta). Any word on HUM lately? They seem to have dropped offa the planet....
Tigger - I totally missed the fact that you run this site! Oh, the thought of your name alone invokes memories of horrid crossbow bolts impacting my body in your HL maps. Oh, the horror!
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#17 07 Mar 2000
The man could teach a university course in flow.
Can you believe he fuels this work on Dunkin Donuts coffee? Ugh.
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#16 07 Mar 2000
The love the way it flows, it kicks ass.
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#15 07 Mar 2000
Just Love it, Game play rocks and the Bot's play the level so good. Sure it may not look as flashy as some, but it looks good to me! Please, never give up Game play for looks, but, if you can give us both without compromise, then... I'm there!
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#14 06 Mar 2000
O'doyle - yep, there is one on LvL already, and a new one really soon.
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#13 06 Mar 2000
It's track 7 off "You'd Prefer an Astronaut". Their 3rd CD (the green one with the Zebra) If you get the chance to ever see them live, do so...... maybe the best show I ever saw (except when Lush opened for Jane's Addiction on the Nothings Shocking tour)
And as far as my name, when Perl Jam first came out, I thought it was cool that we had the same last name (since there are few vedders (lot's of vetters tho =)) But now it's just plain tired.. hehehee.
PS: Thx for all the feedback everyone... will make vedq3dm2 that much better.
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I like your(Tim Black)
#12 06 Mar 2000
Which Hum cd is that song off of....I love their first cd but I never bought any others.
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I like my hair long 2
#11 06 Mar 2000
::If I were Eddie Vedder,would you like meany better?:::singing....anyway whenever I see vedders'name I think of that song and of course Ed Ved.Cool lighting and texture use(although not innovative).Setup,flow and design were simple but fun!
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#10 06 Mar 2000
Yup, it's a HUM song allright... I can never figure out what to name maps, so I pick songs I like =)
Actually, it's "I'd Like Your Hair Long", but it seemed to barf on the single quote, so I dropped the 'd
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#9 06 Mar 2000
"I Like Your Hair Long" - isn't that the title of a song by HUM? This mapper a HUM fan?
Tigger-oN: my roommate and I had some great times doing 1v1s on your Half-Life maps!! You rock. Any Q3A maps in the works?
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#8 06 Mar 2000
i love this map :) it's all connected very well, and a good choice of weapons IMO.... too small for a railgun
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Mr Ed
#7 05 Mar 2000
Great map, Vedder, probably my favourite map of yours yet. I think the design and the texturing are deceptively simple. What really matters is that the map has a great flow and is fast as all get out. Lighting is great and, IMO, it looks fantastic too, certainly not bland. This is real, old school Quake deathmatching at its finest and it's great to see someone from the Mac Quake community stepping out with Q3. Now where's JVOX?
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#6 05 Mar 2000
Well that explains it..hehe. Well it was good nevertheless. =)
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#5 05 Mar 2000
The bot support format was mainly (if not entirely) done by Mr. Elusive.
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#4 05 Mar 2000
Nice map, good layout. 2 small things would have greatly improved this map:
- The ambiant chant sound loops much too frequently, it gets annoying real quick. Once per 30-40 seconds or so would have been sufficient.
- A little more variety in the texturing would have given it much more visual appeal. Or maybe some kind of main/central area- it just needs something more to give it that staying factor.
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#3 05 Mar 2000
Well hopefully you are right DogStar...it was a bit bland but everything thing else was great in this map. And if you
really do want to make a map with a
LOW number of textures, you have to choose a good ones. IMHO, Vedder did just that. Originally when I saw that there was only a RL and a LG besides the usual SSG (or is it SG) I cringed, the LG being one of my least favorite weapons and the RL being my favorite. I though whoever had the LG would be doomed in a tourney. However, I was wrong...while taking control of the RL
can help a bunch, you definitely can not win just by doing so. A very good, well-balanced map, and for once the bots played
WELL . If there's one thing Id really did perfect in its maps it was the ASS (bot support) and Vedder's map does a good job of it too. Boy this turned out long..guess I'm full of comments now that there's finally some more maps here. =)
Happy Fraggin! Octovus
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#2 05 Mar 2000
Vedder has a good history of doing very strong Quakeworld maps and I think his understanding of flow and balance really carries over into his new work. I think that because he cut his teeth on QW he is still working on keeping r_speeds down as much as possible so his maps for Q3 tend to look more bland. I think he'll grow out of that quickly as he realizes that most Quake players are equipped with more than a P90 and a Voodoo 1. Best of all, he's a very meticulous artist and designer so his attention to using the "perfect" texture and the "perfect" geometry is painstaking. I see some really good Q3 maps in the future from Vedder.
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#1 05 Mar 2000
Didn't like it at first, Becouse of the simple design.But after I played it,and got to know the map...it's not bad! 8)
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