around each our faction colors gather
to listen and echo union call
stand fore and fast as loyalty's brother
spare not the last, ne'er pride should fall
clad in courage, freed of fear
lead us to the centre, the black belvedere
pay them rich dread weapons' fire
that 'gainst our purpose hold hopeful sway
which, in lustrous shadow hid, lurk to aspire
be cut to ground by bold array
clad in courage, freed of fear
lead us to the centre, the black belvedere
cryptic ways, like Koth's own sign, rise
and give way to illumined sight
grasp for true that prize
then turn, with tantive steps retrace the fight
clad in courage, freed of fear
lead us to the centre, the black belvedere
once upon the trophy altar
aspersed with blood and gory glamour
twice the trail traversed by slaughter
quake the world with triumph's tremor
enemies slain my flag revere
lead us to the centre, the black belvedere
Author: Kell
Email: **email removed**
Websites: Signs Of Koth
Place map-kellblack.pk3 in your baseq3 folder.
Gametypes Supported: Free For All, Team Deathmatch, CTF, One Flag, Overload, Harvester
Player Load: 4 - 16
Team Spawns: 8 per team
Construction And Spurious Technical Information
Base: New map from scratch
New Textures: Yes
New Sounds: Yes, the gothic sound pak from Death2Uall
Editors Used: GtkRadiant 1.2.9, Paint Shop Pro v5, Metapad 3.5
Distribution And Legal Architrave
Permission is granted to use the textures in your own maps; all I ask is that I recieve a credit when your map is released. Please note that if you intend to use any of the textures, rename the kellblack.shader to yourmapname.shader for distribution with your map. Thanks.
You may distribute this pk3 file on any format, to anyone else.
There are just two stipulations -
1. All content must remain unaltered.
2. map-kellblack.txt must be included, also unaltered.
Thanks To
id software for Quake III Arena and Quake III Team Arena
TTimo and the qeradiant crew for GtkRadiant
David Hyde for Gensurf
Paul Jaquays for the terrain manual
Ydnar for q3map2
HrO for Q3map2 Toolz
Tigger_On and Mandog for ..::LvL
Dedicated to Howard Philips Lovecraft ( Dead But Dreaming )