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kaffeewunder has a really eclectic visual style. as a tourney there is too much novelty and as a small ffa it sometimes feels a little cramped. i kinda wished KW had picked 1 or the other style of play and optimised the level for that. On the plus side it is packed with wonderful elements for play on a map its size. the gl or rg through to teleporter to ra or rl, the bouncepads/drops, and all those rg pot-shots and obscure lines of sight slicing through and across the rubble and ruin of the map. in this respect black delta's variety really pays-off in making full use of the weapons palette. what it lacks in cohesion it makes up for in character and expression. a custom level that produces mixed emotions. certainly not insipid
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Is Black Mesa what this is?
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Black Mesa --> Black Delta. ;)
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Hmmm. Strange.
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