A Forgotten Creed
A Forgotten Creed by Jherax
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#13   02 Dec 2010
I remember playing this against some bots about a few months ago. Its a pretty solid map with lovely architecture vaguely remiscent of Blood Run. I just wish the author wouldve made it asymmetrical as symmetrical maps tend to become stale much quicker than a free-form map would. Still a great map, and worth checking out.
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-ghost- unregistered
#12   29 May 2001
If this map was a woman, I would have sex with it.

Hell, Ill have sex with it anyways.

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Saig unregistered
#11   11 Feb 2001
Eh, so this is where you've been, huh Jher? Anyway, from the looks of it I will probably be asking for your help when the time comes for me to start Q3A mapping. :D
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The Hubster unregistered
#10   25 Jan 2001
Boring. Nothing new.
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WaSp unregistered
#9   18 Jan 2001
I have had this on my p00ter for a while now.

I dont really play maps without railguns that much ,stupid maybe ,but that is my preference.....but geez this map is tidy....really nice texture work ,its amazing what one can do with the q3 textures when you look at them...I mean really LOOK at them ;-)

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Blitzz unregistered
#8   16 Jan 2001
Nothing too special here, just a well-built symmetrical gothic map....

Didn't find it particularly exciting 2b honest....

6 for the nice brushwork

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Scampie unregistered
#7   15 Jan 2001
It was very pretty, and it played OK. but semetrical!? ewww! I didn't notice the r_speeds too high.

make better a map next time Jher.

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Jherax unregistered
#6   15 Jan 2001
kahooki, I agree wholeheartedly :]
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kahooki unregistered
#5   14 Jan 2001
I really can't see what's so special about this map!

Sure it's okay, but nothing that really makes it better than okay.

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Someone Else unregistered
#4   14 Jan 2001
Jherax: your supacute!
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macho unregistered
#3   14 Jan 2001
perfect map

...but quad should be removed for tourneys.

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Timmy!!! unregistered
#2   14 Jan 2001
I like very much!!!
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Tetzlaff unregistered
#1   14 Jan 2001
Great architecture and very good use of textures! I thought the gothic texture set was getting old because it was used in too many custom maps, but this map just looks different.


Die Map ist ein super Beispiel dafür, dass man mit dem herkömmlichen gotischen Texturen trotzdem noch eine Map machen kann, die nicht so aussieht als wie die hundertste Variante von q3dm1. Das liegt an der sehr sorgfältig gearbeiteten Architektur, bei der bei aller Liebe zum Detail nicht die Gesamterscheinung aus dem Auge verloren wurde.

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