No Remorse
No Remorse by Robert Muetzner
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Brett Brennan Rep. 397
#4   21 Nov 2016
When I saw the name of the map, I immediately thought of the song of the same name by METALLICA!
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DiSTuRBeD unregistered
#3   19 Feb 2001
Hmmm, didn't I release a map named "no remorse" about a year ago? Yes i did, beotch! :)

But hey, nevermind, my map SUCKED (really annoying small space map)

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Dagwit unregistered
#2   19 Jan 2001
I too would commend this map to discerning collectors for its generally pleasing blend of styles, and would urge its acquisition at their earliest convenience.
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Kaiser unregistered
#1   15 Jan 2001
Hi you guys!

Download this map! It's fucking cool!

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