Ice cold
Ice cold by Killazontherun
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#8   03 Apr 2013
I liked this map for the ambiance and atmosphere, but as a CTF map I found it annoying when all of the action was in the secret underground tunnels and nothing elsewhere.

Personally I would have preferred a straightforward snow map where you just get from one place to another by traversing the plains.

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Someone unregistered
#7   02 Jan 2012
The only two things that annoyed me the slightest bit were a) the angle of the ice path, and b) the broken-textured sky. The snowman's eye problem is trivial to me.
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MEet-CEes unregistered
#6   31 Dec 2000
i too had fun in ctf with bots

thanks Killazontherun!

i wish there were more great CTF maps out there.

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killazontherun unregistered
#5   30 Dec 2000
The textures, :).
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:) unregistered
#4   29 Dec 2000
It's a nice map, but how exactly did it manage to reach the grand stature of greater than 6 megabyte filesize?
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Zaccix unregistered
#3   29 Dec 2000
This is a kewl map. I played a 4v4 with bots, and they seemed to play very sneakily. They kept using different paths to the flag which kept me on my toes :) Nice one.

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killazontherun unregistered
#2   29 Dec 2000
Actually tiggeron the snowmans eyes are ment to be like that, Its just some prefab I found on Ohh, I forgot all about location markers.
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Al Gecko unregistered
#1   29 Dec 2000
As long as I remember (I'

m several years old) -I wished (every year again) to have a... (guess what?!?) a Santa-Bones... This is is a Santa-bone.

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