Populass by ZeroSquared
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Takkie Rep. 1868
#14   07 Feb 2015
I agree with gooball60. At first i thought hey it is kinda nice but somehow it threw me off... The lighting is not so good. I don't like the pillars... The way vertcal action is brought into this map is well done wich shows potential.
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gooball Rep. 1161
#13   24 Oct 2010
Review makes it sound awesome, but its not. I give it a 6. Bad lighting, the teleporter leaked, not the best. At all.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#12   16 Jun 2010
@SW12: a 'Populace' is a group of people, the title of the map is 'Populass', which is a word I do not know, but is clearly not 'Populace'.

Based on that, I would say yes, this map has a populace, once 3 people are playing on it, but no when no-one is playing it. :]

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SW12 unregistered
#11   16 Jun 2010
Does this map have a Populace?
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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#10   03 Oct 2000
I'm not really a space map fan but this map was ok.

There were some misaligned textures and the colored lights on the floor didn't seem to have an origin. The layout was ok but hey...I'm not a space map fan.

I give it a 6.

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Tyre unregistered
#9   01 Oct 2000
Lighting is ugly, gameplay is nothing special. I don't understand why the bots dislike the RA and MH platforms so much. Not really worth it.
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Eraser unregistered
#8   30 Sep 2000
Nice map indeed. Was quite surprised by the one-way brush under the Quad :). The ligthing around the pillars is a bit overdone. The bots play well, but somehow seem to gather up around the teleporters, which makes it just target practice with a Quaded rocketlauncher.
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neko unregistered
#7   29 Sep 2000
quite a fun map really. framerate's good, and rather tight with 4 ppl. i'll say 8.
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??? unregistered
#6   28 Sep 2000
this map rules!! need less real world maps and more space!!!!!
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Trenox unregistered
#5   28 Sep 2000
I don't think thats the kind of critique the author wants jojo;p

-be constructive damnit.

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jojo unregistered
#4   27 Sep 2000
this map is shit. please make more real world maps. like a jungle. PLESE MAKE A JUNGLE MAP WITH TREES!!!!!IT WOULD BE SO KOOL!
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BambinoSatanico unregistered
#3   27 Sep 2000
Initially the map seemed to have a good layout, conducive to good gameplay, but after a few games it seemed that in fact the gameplay is great. This is probably best space map I have ever played, period. Get this thing in a hurry, and tell the server admins to do the same. Good work ZeroSquared, can't wait for the next map.
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Johnny Law unregistered
#2   27 Sep 2000
There's some good brushwork and proportions here. The only technical thing I would really pick at is the lighting; it's overly bright and color-saturated. The author has the basic skillz and I wouldn't be surprised if he could crank out a map that is quite cool... but I don't think this one is it. It's fun for a bit, but there's nothing that makes it really stand out from the pack of simple space maps that play alike.
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Tigger-oN unregistered
#1   27 Sep 2000
Comments now work again, sorry everyone for the stuff up (i did test the function, but not on the final build section it seems :[)

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