SDM3: The Nothing
SDM3: The Nothing by Shmitz
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#12   12 Jun 2012
Oh My!. The texture lighting is such extremely bright even in battle :o. Lol not a map I would recommend to others.
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RRROOOAAARRR unregistered
#11   15 Aug 2000
A nice map to play for a while, but I don't think the longevity is there - there's just not enough places to go. And I LOVE space maps, too, so only for those who have to have EVERY one of them.


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Senior Teflon unregistered
#10   19 Apr 2000
This level has some interesting ideas, but it needs a lot of work. I realize Shmitz was after a particular effect by using the featureless white texturing, but unfortunately, it just makes the level look unfinished, like someone forgot to give it a coat of paint.

Grabbing the railgun, then camping up at the top is far too easy, particularly when playing against bots, who oblige you quite nicely by taking the jump pad straight into your sights. I'm not particularly happy with the steeply angled ramps, either; they're not easy to move on, and make for an awful lot of shooting at opponents' feet or heads when standing close together.

With some more attention to texturing, and a bit of flattening, this level could be quite enjoyable.

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Rokscott unregistered
#9   29 Jan 2000
A lot of maps from new authors seem to getting a very rough ride here on the comments page.

I agree with jim, this map is a good start, just needs a bit more work on it. It's got some originality in its layout and

the teleporter under the megahealth is very cool. 5/10 from me.

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Jim unregistered
#8   28 Jan 2000
A good start, but could use a bit more refining.

For example, there's something about very bright textures in a map that turns me off- one of the many reasons why I hate DM19 (why did id include that garbage map in the game anyway?).

It feels like some weird alien ship floating in space, nice layout, even though I perfer maps slightly bigger.

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BIGies unregistered
#7   27 Jan 2000
? im sure youve seen extrm ovrkil by killspy
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Tigger-oN unregistered
#6   27 Jan 2000
yep.. looks like the upload didn't work :[, should be fixed now, thanx
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GreenManalishi unregistered
#5   26 Jan 2000
I have not downloaded this map yet but it looks like shit from the screenshot. I will pass.
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Raven unregistered
#4   26 Jan 2000
I downloaded this a couple of days ago from Quake3Nation, didn't think much of it, I also got SDM1,SDM2,SDM4 and SDM5. From memory SDM1 had a little something going for it, not enough to stop me deleting it though. Got to agree with RedFive, Shmitz can do a better job of mapping than I could, but still ! Maybe next time.
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Jimmy unregistered
#3   26 Jan 2000
Just downloaded it from ftp.cdrom and it said it was corrupt.
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Flagg unregistered
#2   26 Jan 2000
I d-loaded and it said it wasn't a valid archive... Might wanna do somethin about this, or let me know if I'm doin something wrong.
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RedFive unregistered
#1   26 Jan 2000
You gotta be kidding me! I gave points because Shmitz can map and I can't, but I'm not sure you're ready to publish your work dude...
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