Hole by DevilMan[CBD]
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#7   17 Jul 2011

...this is not the same map that was named "hole" from a YouTube Video :[

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Tonto unregistered
#6   06 Dec 2004
I don't see why you had to build up that giant famous wall of meat on 32nd. !!!!?!
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Gr|m_r@p|$t unregistered
#5   21 May 2000
I think that sux for all you to dog on someones work, no matter how bad (( I wouldnt know, I havent DLed it)) But keep yer comments to your self, Im sure hes just beggining and he tried, so lay off the trash talk =/
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Sundown unregistered
#4   13 Feb 2000
Err....not fun to kill in, not fun to die in. Back to your infernal drawing board Devilman.
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Rokscott unregistered
#3   29 Jan 2000
Hey Man, this could have been the basis of a really good medium sized dm map. Add some more rooms in a non-symetrical

way, all leading back to this central arena and Bob's yer uncle. Or mabey with only railguns and just a few tweaks to the architecture here and there this could have been quite good. As it is though 3/10.

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[667]TheRipper unregistered
#2   27 Jan 2000
Try to be more original the next time
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Killazontherun unregistered
#1   26 Jan 2000
I havn't downloaded it but I bet the title describes the level well enough.
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