AEon's Sculpture
by AEon
AEon's Sculpture by AEon
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#6   05 Aug 2014
Interesting, but I would have liked the Sculpture more if the blue beams dealt damage or healed instead of just send you into the air. Also the way it looks cut off into the clouds could have probably fixed by hiding it in fog in the sky, but I wouldn't know since I don't make maps.

I kind of did like the lava design though.

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AEon unregistered
#5   02 Aug 2001

hehe that's what i call dedicating :)


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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#4   03 Oct 2000
I just downloaded it again....just to turn the ticker over 1000!

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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#3   28 Aug 2000
Nice layout and cool color scheme in the red armor room.

Connectivity is ok and I liked the trick to get the powerups but this map seems to much sneak n' snipe for me.

Cool custom textures though and the lightning is very well done.

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AEon unregistered
#2   28 Aug 2000

yep... my map Cyber Arena got nicely kicked by Cranky. Which does not take much brains if you consider that it was one of the first Quake II maps at that time and was released December 1997. :)

I am currently working on a Brasilia (capital of Brazil) based map. Hope to get it done sometime.

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The Hate Factory unregistered
#1   26 Aug 2000
I'm wondering if this is the same AEon that got their first map on Cranky Steve.

If so, way to be. :D

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