Devolved CTF v.2
by mexx
Devolved CTF v.2 by mexx
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#35   08 Aug 2011
some pillars would have been nice actually... yeah, what he said
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not entered unregistered
#34   10 Mar 2004
excellent map, I'd also recommend mexx's Q1 maps (with darkplaces engine) Don't know why everyone's whinging about it being too dark. Only thing that might have improved it was adding a few pillars to the middle ground. Should be on my HD for a long while
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DarkStalker unregistered
#33   25 Oct 2000
Good map, but framerates tend to be kinda low in open areas (10-15), and it's kind of dark, but it's still good. I give it an 8
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{GWF}Messiah unregistered
#32   14 Jul 2000
Nice map. bots work well but a little dark al and all a good map. If your looking for a Quake3 clan to join go the EU/UK TDM server and talk to {GWF}menace.
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XBEYONDX unregistered
#31   17 May 2000
I sense Big Brother in here. I think that humor and a great map go hand in hand. And I hold this map in my hand.
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ErniE unregistered
#30   17 May 2000
rock solid map! works great for lan partys
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not entered unregistered
#29   17 May 2000
Tigger-On, I'm sorry that my comments were "out of line", I was only trying to add a bit of humour to this site, and give people a laugh, to brighten up there day.

I think LvL is a superb site (one of my favourites)and I would never want to damage it in any way.

It's my nature to be humouress. I realize that the Comments section is for writing what you think of particular maps, and I frequently write sensible remarks and suggestions, but occassionally like to add some humour.

Mexx, sorry for wasting space on this page, I think your map is excellent.

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Tigger-oN unregistered
#28   16 May 2000
I removed a few of the comments from ip # as they where out of line - if I missed any let me know at
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not entered unregistered
#27   16 May 2000
Sorry Pax, just kidding around.
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OO7MIKE unregistered
#26   16 May 2000
Very nice map. Great gameplay but way to open. The portals piss me off especially when you see a guy from the other team going for your flag and by the time you get there he took the portal and he is gone. Couse it makes a great escape and i feel it makes the gameplay better. I love costum skies!! 8/10 above average CTF map, great atmosphere (I already have my brightness up so this looks just fine)
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Octovus unregistered
#25   16 May 2000
Ah ffs humour's great...just afraid some idiot out there might actually think that was me (or something) =)
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not entered unregistered
#24   16 May 2000
Octovus, I'm sorry I annoyed you, was only trying to add a bit of humour to this site.

I think LvL is a brilliant site, and would not like to damage it in any way.

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Octovus unregistered
#23   16 May 2000
(Obviously enough)
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Octovus unregistered
#22   16 May 2000
Right Tig you don't edit swearing do you?

Because who ever the fuck is using my nick please stop. Things like that just ruin good sites =(

Note: The last post (followed you advice) can you remove that or something Tig it ISNT mine.

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Steinecke unregistered
#21   16 May 2000
Oh! I've forgotten: Dear 'Pax'... -Nobody told You? Blondes are a common powerup!
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Steinecke unregistered
#20   16 May 2000
This map is powerful and beautiful... -just wonderful! Most gothic maps are looking bland and uninspired if you compare with this map! It really glows! And the best of all: It's functioning!
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Pax unregistered
#19   16 May 2000
stopp using my nick phleeeeze
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Steinecke unregistered
#18   16 May 2000
Sister... -Sister! :)
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Your Sister unregistered
#17   15 May 2000

Score:7,minus 1 for lack of brightness, plus 2 for darkness

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Your Sister unregistered
#16   15 May 2000
Didn't check for dumb typo's.

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Your Sister unregistered
#15   15 May 2000
You guys who keep whining that the map is not bright enough, are still probably afraid of the dark. I suggest that when playing this map you remove your sun glasses, as you Mummys' boys couldn't possibly look cool anyway, you may also now be able to see where your going. I suppose now that the mirror shades are off you are looking at your ulgy mugs in them, better not if you don't want to chew on splinters.

With regard to the map, thought the layout was nicely constructed and well connected (liked the inclusion of the Teleporters, they helped increase speed of gameplay).

Normally, don't play much Capture the Flag, but surprisingly spent quite a while on this level,and enjoyed it.

The sky textures looked really awesome, and added greatly to the overall atmosphere of the map.

Score: 9, minus 2 for the lack of brightness, and plus 1 for the darkness.

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SiCdeth unregistered
#14   15 May 2000
this map was cool as a ffa, and its still cool as a ctf but ctf is gay, and it deserves to go to hell... team based stuff is garbage, every man for himself till the end, <b>viva la ffa!
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Octovus unregistered
#13   15 May 2000
Ack! Vetex lighting! runs far away

Lol Steinecke 9 plus 1 for darkness..hehehehe.

And yeah you have a point there mexx it wouldn't contrast as much I guess =)

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^~45hM3Dai~^ unregistered
#12   15 May 2000
Great map! I liked the DM Version and this one´s great, too. I give it a ten, cause it´s the first map that´s dark enough for me - and BTW - if it´s too dark for you, turn on Vertex lighting and tune up the gamma...
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mexx unregistered
#11   15 May 2000
regarding the darkness of the map:

For optimal visual gameplay, this map is intended to play in a darkened room, just like most Quake maps are.

In addition, if you really have problems with the darkness, you can use alpha correction. However, the graphics are fine on my system and I play with the same settings I use for every other map.

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Steinecke unregistered
#10   15 May 2000
Hehe. 9 plus 1 for the darkness gives a 10.
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Steinecke unregistered
#9   15 May 2000
For sure: this map s darker than other maps. What I mean: Maybe Your resoution and colordepth, contrast is changing this into a problem. As far, as I can tell, the 'darkness' belongs to this maps atmosphere.
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Pax unregistered
#8   14 May 2000
It came out much to dark on my machine as well (old card) and I don't like dark maps at all.

Apart from that the layout is great. It really a looooong way to make it from base to base. If the defenders is well organized with an innner and outer defense the carrier is going to need that medkit...

8 minus 1 for the darkness gives a 7...

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Octovus unregistered
#7   14 May 2000
Nice without the teles it would rock.

And Steinecke...I'm not saying I have a great card or anything (I wish) but nah, this map just IS dark. You tried it yet? Because it is =)

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mexx unregistered
#6   14 May 2000
Just a note: A version without the teleporters can downloaded from


Thanks for your comments!

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Steinecke unregistered
#5   14 May 2000
Maybe the 'darkness' is the result of outdated graphicboards?
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IAC|ObsiDian unregistered
#4   14 May 2000
Wow. I remeber mexx from the old q1 speed demo-ing days! Nice atmosphere and layout for a great overall CTF map!
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Johnny Law unregistered
#3   14 May 2000
Ditto to pretty much everything Tig and Octovus said. Just wan to mention that there's also a version without the teleporters.
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Octovus unregistered
#2   14 May 2000
If you ask me, better than the "regular" version, though perhaps that's just cos I like CTF ;). I'll say this now: Everything I don't comment on I liked.

Few things though. Both bases are very dark compared to most other maps, and yes Tig is SO right the blues have a major advantage there.

The main area wasn't so much too big as too simple, there was really only an RG. This map felt like it should have a powerup, that could work in center, or maybe a Megahealth?

Now that I've said that it needs a powerup: The medkit was actually too good here. It made for an almost certain capture with the teleporters...maybe put the megahealth there?

Finally: Two teleporters in each base? One would be enough considering they get you out of the base, that way a single guy could (possible) stop you from getting at it. =)

8 outa 10, nice job but a few things and then it's great!

Cyas! Octovus

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Starkiller unregistered
#1   14 May 2000
WOW! This is one of the best maps I have ever played on. The atmostphere is so thick, and the gameflow is great. Some may say it's too big, but I like it's size. The return of the q2 sky is killer :-) Great job mexx!
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