Reactor by Gelenkbusfahrer
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Gelenkbusfahrer Rep. 210
#9   14 Jun 2022
Anyway, thanks a lot for taking the time testing my release. I only want you to understand, that this map has seen plenty of hours of testing with humans. So everything is focused and optimized for human gameplay only. Due to the map's geometry, a bot just can't handle this map. I think, none of your suggestions would help it. Except i'd risk to ruin the human gameplay, by taking bot play into account. And this actually, is not an option neither in the QL nor the Q3a version.
I'd really love to hear your feedback, once you tried this with humans :)
The Quad can't be reached without using jumper or RJ
Edited 26.25 minutes after the original posting.
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Gelenkbusfahrer Rep. 210
#8   14 Jun 2022
Me only wanted to state that it's probably hard to see a maps potential or issues by playing against broken bots.
Due to your agrees it indeed felt like i'm alone against 2. I worked for months on this release, which luckily has proven itself (in QL at last, which is basically the same as Q3a). That's actually something i can be proud of. Not proud of the map, but proud of me making something the people want to play over and over again.
Edited 537.93 days after the original posting.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#7   13 Jun 2022
@Gelenkbusfahrer : I'm not 100% sure if you are being facetious or defensive or something else all together.

What I am sure about is @Whatscheiser took the time to download and play your Quake 3 Arena release and offered some honest feedback. To me, that is gold level feedback and it sounds like you are not happy because it was not 100% glowing praise.

This is how I see it, 22 years have passed since Q3A was released and people like yourself still make levels for it and people like Whatscheiser (and others) are still happy to download maps and play them. Even more impressive is when someone takes the time to make a comment.

Your release is a well made Quake 3 Arena custom map, listed on a Quake 3 Arena website with public comments. This site is not for Quake Live and most of the players here are still playing the original release against bots only.

I have to agree with Whatscheiser comments about the teleporters and the bot game play. It is spot on.

Porting a map from Quake Live to to Q3A is no simple task. There are so many differences and the game play focus alone is very different. This was the same issue when people starting porting their favourite QuakeWorld (The Bad Place, Claustrophobopolis, The Dark Zone, Aerowalk) and Doom II (Dead Simple) maps to Quake 3. Very few authors took the time to understand the difference. The ones that did understand the changes made good releases. The ones that just ported the maps have a meh feel to them.

You even know about some of the differences. You mention that Quake Live has autojump that affects the functionality accelerator pads. Again, this Q3A, not Quake Live. Build for the game mechanics that are in the game, not a straight port. Be inspired, don't just copy.

Personally, I would be taking on Whatscheiser's feedback, thinking about it and trying to see what could be changed or tweaked to improve the bots on this release. Working out why the bots do not go for the Quad, seeing how the game play changes if the teleports moved you to the centre or the middle area that is rarely used.

If you are looking for feedback and comments on the Quake Live version, you will need to find a different site.

Side note: I really enjoyed this release and hope to see many more map released by you, each an improvement on the previous.

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Gelenkbusfahrer Rep. 210
#6   13 Jun 2022
I'm sorry, you're right. Bots can't navigate, or even reach half of the map. Suggesting things after 5 minutes of a broken match, and receiving an answer from the author, that is what this comment section is for, right. Even Tig will agree on that ;)
Edited 10.03 minutes after the original posting.
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Whatscheiser Rep. 682
#5   13 Jun 2022
Well again, I never said I hated this map or anything. I just observed that the bots do not seem to navigate it very well and that the map might be suited to have more than two bots present. I also suggested a couple of tweaks. I don't really feel like I was that hard on it. I do genuinely like to see QL maps here. At the same time, to my mind these comment sections exist to provide constructive feedback and this isn't a QL maps page so I don't have the experience to draw on. Just Q3A. I did my best to offer subjective feedback based on that experience. I wasn't trying to take the piss here. Sorry if it came off that way.
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Gelenkbusfahrer Rep. 210
#4   12 Jun 2022
I just wonder, because QL people seem to love this map. Maybe there are quite some differences.
Edited 1.12 minutes after the original posting.
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Whatscheiser Rep. 682
#3   12 Jun 2022
Bro, this no map for Q3a.

This is a Q3A release... ?
I gave the benefit of the doubt in my initial response... maybe it plays better against humans. I didn't play it against humans.
I'd also point out that I have the entirety of the QL map collection in Q3A. They're not entirely different beasts. Some maps work better than others though, I suppose.
Edited 9.4 minutes after the original posting.
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Gelenkbusfahrer Rep. 210
#2   12 Jun 2022
I enjoy seeing maps for Quake Live make their way here.

Doesn't seem so.
Bro, this no map for Bots. Come play this online against humans. QL has also autojump, which makes the accelerators pretty usefull ;)
Edited 70.29 days after the original posting.
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Whatscheiser Rep. 682
#1   12 Jun 2022
This initially kind of reminded me of a less complicated charon3dm12 but I think connectivity could have been better. (In fairness to the author my only experience on this map was with bots). Despite the open layout it always seemed like the fighting was happening somewhere else. The teleporters at the bottom of the map just take you from one side of the bottom to the other. I feel like it may have improved navigation if they dumped you more in the center of the map perhaps on to the mid level of the central platform. Speaking of that mid level I think opening an access to drop down the center to the jump pad may also have improved the flow of the map. I liked the accelerator pad at the bottom of the spiral though. The momentum pushing the player around the outside wall is a good gimmick. Unfortunately the rest of the map never feels that fast. The two suggested bots always seemed to be focused elsewhere in relation to the player. They never came after me so much as I went after them. At one point Keel just seemed to get "stuck" on the GL spawn. With hardcore bots set in a match with a frag limit of 25 they never attempted to go after the quad damage. For a reliable fire fight I basically just found myself circling the bottom of the map around the central jump pad as it was the only location they were interested in frequenting.

The map looks great and I enjoy seeing maps for Quake Live make their way here. With more bots or with actual humans it seems like it could make for a few fun games... But it feels a little "meh" as it is.

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