Ossa Delubrum
Ossa Delubrum by Martinus
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BlueParadicey Rep. 44
#4   27 Jul 2019
This looks so nice. I'm definitely going to try it later on.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#3   25 Jul 2019
The visuals were cool, and gave Doom and Quake 1 vibes with the red and blue liquids and the runes on the walls and entrances. Having played the map back in December, I have to admit I didn't really enjoy it because the bots beat me so badly in CTF.
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Martinus Rep. 662
#2   24 Jul 2019
Thanks for the review.
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6751
#1   22 Jul 2019
Aesthetically there is so much thrown in here it all looks a bit gaudy but it is atmospheric and all the elements are quite cool, giving it a Pirate Fort in Hell kinda feel. It is hard to move in. I could cope with the stairs but the walkways along the sides of the fort are a bit narrow, and the teeth on the skulls a bit low when going for the power-ups. On the plus side: the overall design of the forts is cool with lots of variety in routing, making the game very interesting. And the whole floater-cum-pirate's in purgatory theme is really unique and something I have never seen.
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