Blood Covenant
Blood Covenant by Max Zim, sst13 & ShiN0
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Neon_Knight Rep. 324
#8   25 Mar 2024
This is an AWESOME remake of BC from Champions.
Tried in OpenArena, it misses some very minor images, but it's definitively playable.
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ZIN unregistered
#7   11 May 2022
My playthrough of Blood Covenant with the QC Mod drop in for vanilla q3.
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#6   04 Jul 2020
I really like this one. A fresh take on q3dm6. Never played QC but it plays pretty well in Q3.
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JoeBeamer Rep. 116
#5   19 Jun 2019
I didn't see the red armour respawn either. Also, I really tried to like this map, but just couldn't. It looks a LOT better in the pictures than what it really is. Very dark in some areas, and other areas of the map were not developed well. Odd textures on the floor where the quad is, and this map looks more like a rush job to convert from QC just for the sake of: look at me I converted a qc map! Was pretty disappointed in how sloppy it was made.
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Gnalvl unregistered
#4   18 Jun 2019
It seems the RA never spawns in TDM?
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#3   17 Jun 2019
It should be noted that Blood Covenant is a map from Quake Champions. The QC map is inspired by q3dm6.

I can't believe I didn't realize that at first seeing as I played this map in Quake Champions.
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Tig Rep. 1732
#2   16 Jun 2019
@Tetzlaff : Thanks heaps for the information. The review has been updated to include the Quake Champions details.
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Tetzlaff Rep. 275
#1   16 Jun 2019
It should be noted that Blood Covenant is a map from Quake Champions. The QC map is inspired by q3dm6.
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