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This map (and Thr3xus' introduction of course) is probably one of the reasons I started mapping.
Masher's mapping-skills still make me jealous, creating amazing architecture whilst providing great performance.
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#29 07 Oct 2004
Hey, this is one of my old favorite maps from the days of the hacked 108 test. Know any other maps from those days that are ported/remade for the final q3 ?
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#28 19 Apr 2000
Thanx alot man! I will do my best to make my next releases much better than this one!
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#27 18 Apr 2000
i first saw this map in the 108 test... it was awesome, and blew away any of the other maps at the time, including the id maps. not to mention the fact that it's hella fun on a lan w/ 12 people blowing each other away in it. this map won top choice of about 30 non-id q3test maps we (about 20 of us) tried at that lan party in october'99. and damn... if this is just a 'rough draft' or a "i'm getting used to making maps" map, then i want wait to see your new stuff!!!
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#26 16 Apr 2000
007MIKE is OBVIOUSLY not from the 'old-school'. I got my money on the fact that he's not running a real OS and he PROBABLY has a GeForce... oh well, what can you do?? I think I speak for everyone from back in the old days that runs Linux w/ Voodoo3 (there ARE others, trust me) when I say this map kicks total ass! You'll never please everyone... especially if they're running Windows (and have problems reading)..... ;-)~
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#25 15 Apr 2000
If you must abandon this map..then i await your next one.
Keep the maps comming.(and the frame rates.)
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#24 15 Apr 2000
What?! You have read all my comments and they do not make sense? I'm sorry, but are you able to read?
I have tried everything to improve the framerate in the outside area, but there is NO FUCKING WAY without changing the whole layout! Trust me, I made this map and I think I should know it better than anyone else.
This map was my practice session on the new editor and curve patches. I will NOT release any new versions.
If it slows you down, use a lower resolution if you want to play it. It's that simple :-)
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#23 14 Apr 2000
The lay out of this map is good and the game play is very fun but most all of it happens outside..Why? And why do the frame rates go down so low when im outside. Yes i have read the other comments and it makes no sence why..why, it isnt even fancy out there. AAAARRGGG This map has potential and you are not going to fix it? Release the new one on your web site. Then delete the old one. That = 1 map. :) Release a new one!!
Until that day..8/10 This map screams "patch me!"
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#22 13 Apr 2000
OK, the textures from the ctf addon are now available on my site at
www.Masher.deIt's 128kb long :-)
The reason why I didn't include these textures, is that I thought anybody who does download custom maps onviously also downloaded this ctf pack. I don't play CTF, but I downloaded it anyway because it's simply beautiful !
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#21 13 Apr 2000
Mr.Masher: Thanks in advance dude !!! I'll keep an eye on it.
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#20 12 Apr 2000
Ummm this map is like the bomb. I keep hearing thsi slow down issue with geforces? well i have a amd athlon 650 with an nvidia geforce. and there is hardly if any slow down. and I have it in like a high resolution with full detail. 32 bit everything. and it hardly slows down to 30fps when i get to that part of the map with the teleporter thing.
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Mad Man
#19 12 Apr 2000
That portal is ... how should
i say it ... couldn't you put a
normal teleporter ??? ...
Anyway ... I don't know that
portal is (at this point i'm tryin' really hard to control myself!) please change the portal !
If you don't then you don't no
big deal . (see ya !)
P.S You're doin a great job keep it up !!!
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#18 12 Apr 2000
Hey RedFive, I can zip the needed textures up for you and put it on my website, so you don't have to download the whole ctf-pack.
My Site is at www.Masher.de
Keep an eye on it in the next days.
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#17 12 Apr 2000
Beguile, I bet there are people out there crazy enough to do it! I know my 3.2gb HD ain't cutting it anymore and with 20gb HDs being dirt cheap, I'm sure a Quake partition is the way to go. Damn I need a HD...
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#16 11 Apr 2000
You mean to say that you don't??? Why not at LEAST a separate SCSI RAID 5 for quake?? Geez... some people... :-)
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#15 11 Apr 2000
Anything that's missing textures because I don't have the CTF pk3 I won't dload. I don't play CTF so I don't see why I should lose more precious HD space (in my case) for something I won't use. And why aren't all textures included in the pk3 anyways? Is it that hard to do or do people thing everybody has a Quake3 partition ???
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#14 10 Apr 2000
I'm not asking for another version, just agreeing it is a problem :)
BTW, I think I was the one back in the test that hounded you to put the rail in :P
(maybe it was a different map by a different mapper, and all that lead paint I ate as a child is kicking in)
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#13 10 Apr 2000
Oh, and just to be picky (sorry) there is one wall light in the map that doesn't have that really nice shader effect that ALL the rest have. It's in the doorway from the main outside area on the way into the room w/ the one jump pad and the plasma gun... no big deal, just thought I'd mention it... Neither this issue nor the portal issue will ever stop me from playing this map, period.
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#12 10 Apr 2000
No, I must say the magic words that will FORCE you to release another copy...hold on while I conjure them...ummm, hold on...wait, o.k.; DAMMIT!
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Mr. Masher
#11 10 Apr 2000
OK guys, I think I have to type some more words about the framerate issue :-)
Actually, there are two framerate problems. The first one is the one I talked about in my other comments here. That one has something to do with video memory overload. It only happens if you have everything set to 32bit and are running in a very high resolution. This one is the issue which pisses me off! I didn't find a good way to avoid this, otherwise I wouldn't have released this map like it is now.
The second framerate issue is the one when you stand infront of the portal and are looking through it. This one seems to be a general NVidia problem. I get slowdowns on both, my NVidia TNT and my GeForce DDR. Both running on a P3-500 CPU.
I personally think, I should not replace the portal with a normal teleporter, because:
- It would kill the eye candy
- It isn't a big issue, because you only stand there for a short time, usually only when you want to go through the portal.
- Replacing it will only speed up THAT SINGLE SPOT and nothing else on the map.
- I hate to release two versions of one map, because not everybody will download the newer version and then we have 2 different versions on the servers!
Just my personal opinion :-) No matter what you say, I will not do any other versions of this map. (There were 4 different ones for Q3Test and this one for the retail version)
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#10 10 Apr 2000
It was a JOKE. Haha... I understand the real issue. It does run better under Linux though. Again, I can't speak about the whole GEFORCE thing, since I don't own one...
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#9 10 Apr 2000
Hello??? is anyone listening???
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#8 09 Apr 2000
I'm not sure what all you people are talking about with the frame rate thing. It seems to work fine in Linux (w/ a Voodo3), maybe it's an OS issue... :-) I also miss those days on Zathras's server.. :-( Q3 hasn't been the same since.. oh well.
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#7 09 Apr 2000
Nice map, as it was back in its EULA violating test days :)
As for the teleporter, believe me, it is the teleporter that slows me down. I can look the same way like you said and not drop to 20 fps like I do in front of the portal.
I have a Geforce/P3 450, and get 60s on most of the map, with peaks into the 80s. The only spot that goes that low is the teleporter.
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#6 09 Apr 2000
Damn i miss the days with Mr. Masher, Zathras, Thred and Tuna_boy all playing on Zathras server....small world, isn't it?
btw, i think that those portals where u can see are really bad on Geforce...I slow down on the CTF maps too infront of those. So for Geforce owners, making that into a non-see-into portal WOULD help....
Here's dreaming, lol. No seriously, great job. I love this map; and it's now even bettter (got the bots to drop into the pit a few times...hehe. nice!).
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#5 09 Apr 2000
You know I like it! I'm glad you finially decided to release it here. This maps rocks. I just can't wait for your next set of maps.. you know what I'm talking about... :-)
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#4 09 Apr 2000
Thanx, glad you like the new version :-)
About the portal:
I don't think replacing the portal with a normal teleporter will help performance alot. The main problem with the frame rates is, that if you stand outside on the ramp in front of the stairs and are looking in direction of the stairs which are leading to the lower level (I hope you can follow me here :-] ) you can just look way to far. The engine can't handle all the curves and different textures there if you are playing in 1024*768 32bit and 32bit textures. I have tried to get rid of that problem, but didn't find a way without changing the layout to much.
This was just a polished version of the old q3test map. My next map will be more framerate friendly :-)
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#3 09 Apr 2000
Ah, this map brings back fond memories. a ver. of It was released during the old q3test days. I thought it was too bright then, but liked the gameplay pretty much. Now it still has a distinctly 'yellow' look to it, and has several notable changes (the trap is cool..the door is a good idea..and the powerups); so I think overall changes for the better. The lighting is better, but as I've said still seems a bit yellowy to me.
Framerates are a bit low, though at 800x600 I don't think it is even an issue. I played this vs. the Clock Bot and had a blast, I'll give it an 8;
perhaps if the portal wasn't a mirror portal (where you can see into the nexst room) that area would chug less? Worth a revision if it helped. spying on someone who happens to grab the plasma isn't as big a issue as better fps in that central (mosh pit) area, imho.
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Sir Frags A Lot
#2 09 Apr 2000
This level is as they say average in a lot of ways but I have one major comment I didn't die after 24 frags some bot killed me there's just to many ammo and life to keep you rocking but besides that it's not bad 7
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#1 09 Apr 2000
Hey, thanx for the review!
About the area portals:
With only one door, there is no way to add an area portal. At least, it wouldn't make any sense :-) I have tried to add more doors and isolate some areas using area portals, but it didn't help much and which is much more important: It destroyed the gameplay!
My recommendation for people with 16mb cards is to switch to 800600 32bit and 16bit textures. 32mb card owners can use 1024768 32bit and 16bit textures or 800*600 32bit 32bit textures.
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