Lost Space
Lost Space by T-kölök
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Colton Rep. 397
#13   09 Apr 2016
I'm the one who's fixing this map up for you fellas - the shaders inside the original pk3 were untouched, as they had the original modification dates (BTW the original shader modification date for the pak0 shaders is 11/21/1999 @ 8:42 PM), so they were removed in my patch, & the textures in the map pk3 were ones from pak0.pk3, so they were deleted too. Also, the bots play just as good as they do in q3dm13 with my patch - They don't play as well in the original pk3. Anyways, nice job T-kölök! The patch link is right here: mega.nz/
EDIT: I have noticed a minor texture problem. The missing texture has been added in the latest link.
Edited 1.55 days after the original posting.
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Tig Rep. 2422
#12   13 Oct 2014
@T-kölök - If you fix the issue, submit an update and I'll fix up the review too.
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T-kölök Rep. 2
#11   12 Oct 2014
Sorry for the texture problems. When I did this map my editor had a bug with textures and I fixed it with this trick. After that I forgot remove those. Really sorry.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#10   04 Aug 2014
@CZghost: Well to be honest with you, to another Czech, you probably speak English well. To someone who speaks the language fluently, its obvious you are still learning.

I am still learning english, now I started english crossword levels of PixWords, great game for Android devices, which I discovered new words :) Also, it's pretty difficult in my mother lang :)

There are more effective ways to learn the English language than that, such as taking a course in school or college (if possible). The internet likely has alternatives to that as well.

If I had a nick which doesn't include my country and I didn't tell you I'm czech, will you recognise that? Bohemian players and level designers is a couple, naming for example Rota, which is the one that have inspired me by his nice architecture. Yes, I am using "his", since he is unbeliveable to his nick a male :)

I don't mean to sound snippy about this, but I'll be blunt. Nobody really cares about knowing where you're from on a website all about sharing custom-made video game levels. And I feel sorry for you since you still cannot grasp that because someone on the web uses a name that doesn't correspond with his/her gender, that doesn't automatically mean they are the gender you think. This is because a guy can go on Twitter or something and have their profile picture a woman and claim his name is "Michelle Brown". You would end up being fooled and treat him differently than if he was being honest. Just because someone says they are something on the internet doesn't necessarily mean they are.

@Everyone else: So sorry about these off-topic posts, but I just felt someone needed to say this.
Edited 20.74 days after the original posting.

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CZghost Rep. 1799
#9   03 Aug 2014
I am czech member (which you can figure out from my nick), but I write english pretty well. This is the must since I am learning programming and automatising, which I need to know english as well as I need english to speak with you :)

I am still learning english, now I started english crossword levels of PixWords, great game for Android devices, which I discovered new words :) Also, it's pretty difficult in my mother lang :)

If I had a nick which doesn't include my country and I didn't tell you I'm czech, will you recognise that? Bohemian players and level designers is a couple, naming for example Rota, which is the one that have inspired me by his nice architecture. Yes, I am using "his", since he is unbeliveable to his nick a male :)

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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#8   03 Aug 2014
I was going to try this map out, but I think I'll hold off on it until the problems it has are fixed.

@GuitarMan: I had no idea you weren't from an English-speaking country. You speak it exceptionally well for someone who doesn't have it for a first language.

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CZghost Rep. 1799
#7   02 Aug 2014
Your reputation was increased, GuitarMan :) Nice comment :)
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GuitarMan Rep. 569
#6   02 Aug 2014
We understand, Martinus, but this is an English-speaking site, even if many active users are from other countries from all around the world whose language is not English. Yes, at least half of the comments you read on map reviews come from people whose language is not English. I'm one of those. And I'm no expert in English writing, same as most foreigner members on this site, and only a sharp eye will notice that.

Common sense says that if I want to post a comment in my own language, I should include a proper and understandable translation into English on the same post.

On the other hand: if this map is SO screwed up, why was this submission accepted? Why wasn't it rejected? There are rules posted (lvlworld.com/howtosubmit) regarding that. We know exceptions are made from time to time, but this is WAY beyond the limits.

Please T-kolok, fix the stuff that has to be fixed, and we all will gladly play the map, because it looks quite interesting from what we can see in the screenshots. Thank you!
Edited 1 minutes after the original posting.

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Martinus Rep. 662
#5   01 Aug 2014
I'm just wrote the map/author problems, and what he have to do in the future if he'll planning make maps.
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CZghost Rep. 1799
#4   01 Aug 2014
Please write in english, we do not undestand hungarian.

T-kölök: Replacing basic shaders from the basic installation of the game is a sin. That way I won't check your map anymore and discard voting as it would be nearby zero, which I do very sadly. BTW, remaking id's map from world to space version, it's quite original. However replacing shaders from basic game is very bad and as Tig has mentioned, it will cause texture errors and possibly render errors when playing other maps. This should make no mapper, nor any newbie. I'm sorry t say that, but this level should not be downloaded, nor played, unless you're worth enough to change pk3 extension to something not readable by game.
Edited 52 seconds after the original posting.

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Martinus Rep. 662
#3   01 Aug 2014
Többek között az is probléma, hogy itt-ott hiányzik pár textúra, vagy épp nem működik néhol a feltételezhetően, a textúrához rendelt shader (pl.: rács) Ide kapcsolandó, a review menüpontban Tig gondolatai, amiket hozzáfűzött pirosan kiemelve (nem célszerű megbolygatni, az eredeti shaderket).
Általában, ha csinálsz 1 pályát, akkor hozzá csatolod a más pályákból kiszedett és felhasznált textúrákat vagy legalább feltüntetni forrásuk pontos megnevezését, hogy ez ne okozzon problémát

Személy szerint a pálya kissé fényes is illetve, ami talán nem is annyira nagy probléma, de még is zavaró, az a fekete háttér, ebből azt gondolom, hogy csak kicserélte a textúrákat, meg eltávolított pár brush-t.
Jót tett volna a pályának, ha odafigyel a környezet kialakítására/részletezésére, mert így,a pálya kissé "csúnyácska".

Félreértés ne essék, nem kritizálni akartam a készítőt, hanem pusztán segíteni neki ezzel.
Megnéztem az előző pályáját a készítőnek, amit feltett VIS illetve LIGHT fázisok nélkül.
Én is jártam így, én is küldtem be "lesz ami lesz" alapon pályát ide, ami nem járt túl jó fogadtatással.

Éppen ezen indokok miatt nem szabad beküldeni pályát úgy, hogy azt nem nézték meg előtte. (legalábbis, nem célszerű)

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Gery D. Rep. 8
#2   01 Aug 2014
Q3dm13 kicsit űrösítve. :)
Martinus, mit értessz "félkész" alatt? A hiányzó textúrákat pl.? Azokat könnyü pótolni, ha van jó néhány pálya leszedve, azokba biztos megtalálod.
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Martinus Rep. 662
#1   31 Jul 2014
In Hungarian:

Szerintem, az ilyen "félkész" jellegű pályákat teszteletlenül, nem ide kellene beküldeni.
Ha nincs senki ismerősöd aki tesztelné a pályáid, keress fel egy weboldalt, ahol ezzel foglalkoznak (pl.:quake3world) és csak ezután küld el ide a pályáid.

In English:

Nice try...

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