AEon's DM7 Redux
by AEon
AEon's DM7 Redux by AEon
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raspatan Rep. 4690
#12   20 Nov 2020
Fully agree with ET. There is something soothing about this map. Quite an achievement in terms of design, textures, effects. AEon's skills are showing off badly here! In terms of gameplay, is plays well. Just a bit too horizontal, but fun for some time.
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#11   18 Oct 2020
An amazing map that has a very long history behind it, both in the real world sense (as the review mentions at the bottom in its Quake3World thread), and in the aesthetic sense of being a derelict facility being overtaken by nature. There is something almost serene and calming about the overgrown jungle atmosphere in this map, and without any other players trying to frag you, one might just stand still and take in the essence of the environment.
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IconoDelPecado unregistered
#10   07 Mar 2019
This map have a problem when you play it in CPMA, because this mod doesn't support png files so the falling dust seems like a white brilliant light that don't make sense at all, Can someone fix that with a patch?
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Hipshot Rep. 336
#9   18 Aug 2014
I took a look at this again and I really like this map, socks plants really makes this level shine.
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CZghost Rep. 1799
#8   04 Aug 2014
Nice architecture, one area really reminds me Q3DM7 (the one with RL) :D The horny door prank is great :D It was scary to hear the door starting to creak :D I love secrets in maps, sadly, there are no secrets. It might be really nice and funny to include some easter eggs and secrets :) Bots play well, almost like humans. Only TankJr got stuck in QD pit, which was extremely easy to snap him out :D Oh, the most important: When you will make new map, Æon? I love your maps, it's a pleasure to play them.
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Bozo Rep. 46
#7   04 Jan 2013
I don't get it: Now someone makes a really nice map, surely put a lot of effort into designing the architecture, well selected the textures, items etc. and then finishes it with a blocky cheap looking sky texture that ruins the atmosphere for me. 7/10
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gooball Rep. 1161
#6   28 Sep 2012
This is a good map! Though gameplay (IMO) could have been better. 8.5/10
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fKd Rep. 420
#5   11 Sep 2012
so much class, its been a long road sir. well played 10/10
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cityy Rep. 433
#4   29 Aug 2012
Might as well just be personal preference regarding AEdesert @ AEon :)
I was talking about visuals and consistency only.
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phantazm11 Rep. 84
#3   28 Aug 2012
I have loved this map for years. Both the gameplay and the aesthetics are terrific!
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AEon Rep. 820
#2   28 Aug 2012
Nice review cityy... but the map only has 2 teleporters... I dropped teleporters several years ago.

"200% improvement compared to..."... I admit the older maps mostly are no longer that great but AEpyra still holds up gameplay-wise (instagib) and AEdesert in regard to textures and design (gameplay is a bit spread out though)... IMO.

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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#1   28 Aug 2012
Kinda has a Jurassic Park feeling whenever I play this map. Yet again AEon, your maps have proved us that they can totally get you addicted for hours and hours. Well Done! 7.5/10
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