Dead Simple
by Rize
Dead Simple by Rize
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Takkie Rep. 1868
#13   31 Dec 2020
comment #8 by rize:
The game engines now allow for so much detail it really takes a true artist to fully utilize everything. I get depressed and stop because my stuff never measures up to the best. It sucks when you know you're not good...

I feel a bit sad when I read stuff like this. To me life and all things in it is not about competition or being 'the best' or whatever.
Just do the things you do (and hopefully love).
Edited 46.88 minutes after the original posting.
Edited 1.15 hours after the original posting.
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PTHBR unregistered
#12   21 Aug 2019
Great map, I've already lost more than 200 hours on this map, but I miss it on the quake live version, I wonder if I could convert the map to run on the current version of quake live and publish this content on steam with due rights? .
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#11   17 Jul 2011
If this was supposed to be a remake (which I know its not so don't correct me) All I would say is "worst Dead Simple map ever".
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Knight Cloud unregistered
#10   12 Jun 2001
Is these really dead somple from Doom2
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SkidZ unregistered
#9   20 May 2000
Played a small lan game - the flow was great and the carnage was constant - very good positioning of quad vs. other powerups - gimme more!
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Rize unregistered
#8   08 Apr 2000
In a few days my second (and last) Q3A map should be posted(I submitted it 2 days after this one). It's a one floor map with a relatively simple theme again. I think this one's a lot more fun though... it's not a box and the bots play much better.

The game engines now allow for so much detail it really takes a true artist to fully utilize everything. I get depressed and stop because my stuff never measures up to the best. It sucks when you know you're not good... At least some people can remain disillusioned until their stuff is reviewed :)

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OO7MIKE unregistered
#7   06 Apr 2000
Hard to resist a 350k map.So i played.Its ok. The bots where dumn and so they fell in the rabbit hole. Others decided to stay on the jump pads and camp tigger style. I give it 5. The map doesnt just doesnt stand out, other than being a quick dload.
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Rize unregistered
#6   06 Apr 2000
What can I say, I'm not really a Death Match mapper. I got bored with Q3A and I'm moving on to Soldier of Fortune now... one good thing is that Q3A force me to learn the QeRadiant editor which is what SOF uses, so not all is lost.
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Jim unregistered
#5   06 Apr 2000
The title says it all- this map needs a bit more appeal to stay on my HD-
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Rokscott unregistered
#4   03 Apr 2000
First there is caulk, then there isn't !



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Rize unregistered
#3   03 Apr 2000
:( ..On second thought, you're right. There wasn't any caulk. I had it there originally, but I think the brush faces got screwed up when I added the bounce pads. I would release a patched version, but I don't think it's worth it... if anyone would like it just ask and I'll send it in.
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Rize unregistered
#2   03 Apr 2000
Wrong :)

There are no curve errors per se. I used caulking behind the four curves and I even aligned the textures on the top of the curves properly. They actually match up. I think the difference in color is due to the fog which is 1 big cubic brush that intersects all of the the other brush structures that are in it's way. This is the only way to fill such a complex pit with fog.

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Rize unregistered
#1   03 Apr 2000
Wrong :)

There are no curve errors per se. I used caulking behind the four curves and I even aligned the textures on the top of the curves properly. They actually match up. I think the difference in color is due to the fog which is 1 big cubic brush that intersects all of the the other brush structures that are in it's way. This is the only way to fill such a complex pit with fog.

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