by bst
Terminatria by bst
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Bummser Rep. 90
#22   10 Jun 2022
Great map, we added it to our Q3quest VR maprotation.
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#21   25 May 2020
Intense gameplay! Bots play ok, somethings going for the quad, but never for the mega or some armors. A map could well be converted for QL.
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Icono Del Pecado unregistered
#20   16 Sep 2018
@Tig : I deleted some older maps and now it's working...
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Tig Rep. 1732
#19   07 Jul 2018
@Icono Del Pecado : Works for me. This map appears in the skirmish menu without error. It could be another map has a script error that is preventing this map from displaying. Check the console of errors that may point you to the issue.
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Icono Del Pecado unregistered
#18   05 Jul 2018
not appears in q3 maplist, .arena file is missing
someone fix that please
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Vicarious Rep. 168
#17   26 Feb 2018
thanks for a great map!!
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A1yssa Rep. 165
#16   06 Sep 2016
Very nice level connections :)
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#15   22 Aug 2014
Played recently in Quake Live [map is sorted as premium, but is capable on standard subscription servers, having standard account I was able to play it also in training center, strange], the layout has changed quite drastically (RG is closer to the wall, areas were enlarged to fit the game physics), but also textures have somwehat different feeling (Quad spot is glowing, everywhere are blue-glassed surfaces, entire map has now more blue-ish feeling, also, it is brighter)... Well, try to compare this original competition version with the QL one :) Not mentioning the advertisement boards being changed to the QL logo :)
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Manus[!]a unregistered
#14   07 Jan 2014
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Anonymous unregistered
#13   07 Jan 2014
beautiful silver :D
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Dimonychan Rep. 79
#12   29 Sep 2013
Though I'm a not such a "graphic maniac", I should definitely give the credit to textures. One word: Amazing. I especially liked those spawn points' marks for Armor, Plasmagun, Shotgun, etc. I also has been surprised by shortcuts - they make the gameplay more dynamic - you never know when a bot is going to leap on you from above.

This map is a must have for any Q3 player.

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CZghost Rep. 1681
#11   28 Oct 2012
How long is that level avaible on Quake Live? Is there any chance to play this map with standard membership?
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#10   12 May 2012
Man it's been ages since I've been on this site and boy these new maps are terrific :).
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#9   29 Apr 2012
i'm surprised this didn't place higher though i'm glad it came third - that's still a good result! 2-6 players seems right to me - 8 a little messy perhaps but you could get away with it. the gl works very well here i believe.
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Vymmiatacz Rep. 190
#8   28 Apr 2012
Some areas seems to me desolated, but in general, it's quite good map.
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Tig Rep. 1732
#7   26 Apr 2012
@bst: Player load has been corrected. Thanks for that.
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bst unregistered
#6   26 Apr 2012
No idea who reviewed the map, I agree its a very nice review. Only thing is I think it can support 2-8 players instead of 2-6.
It came 3rd in the competition, 2nd was Windsong Keep by phantazm11.
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#5   26 Apr 2012
Primary, I've first sent review for this map, but haven't been accepted. As you can see, one anonymmous reviewer have reviewed your level, and nicely, very nicely.

I'd be pleased to know, who have reviewed your great level, that have won 2nd (or 3rd? I'm confused now) in Mapping Competition #3 (1st place have won Fluorescent by cityy, you exactly know...).

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bst unregistered
#4   25 Apr 2012
Thanks for the nice comments and review :)
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#3   21 Apr 2012
Realy, I like the level concept, this map may get a lot of votes (idealy through 50). Don't get stuck, when the other can vote (I've been regitered here for be able to vote, post in forum and formatting the comments.)
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<secs.> Rep. 101
#2   20 Apr 2012
Outstanding map! simply beautiful brushes complemented by excellent game play
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#1   20 Apr 2012
Great level - 10/10
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