by bst


------- LEVEL INFORMATION -----------------------------------------------------

TITLE : Terminatria

FILENAME : bst3dm1.pk3

AUTHOR : Russell 'bst' Vint

Website : n/a

EMAIL ADDRESS : russell(at)grinders[dot]co.uk

DATE : 13 Aug 2011

GAME : Quake 3

Game Mode : FFA, TDM, Tournament

Build : Completely Original From Scratch

Build Time : Ten Weeks

New Textures : Yes

New Sounds : No

New Music : No

New Models : No


------- Description -----------------------------------------------------------

My entry into the Maverick Servers and Gaming Mapping Competition #3 for
Quake 3 Arena.


------ Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------

- Floor textures were modified from cgtextures.com by Russell Vint. Please visit
www.cgtextures.com for more information.

- Fonts used in the textures:
Green Mountain 3 - by Cambridge Fontworks
Quake 3 Arena Bats - by Daniel Gauthier

- The skybox was created by 'The Mighty Pete'. He can be reached
at the following WEB site: **invalid URL**

- All other textures (except standard Quake 3 textures (where used)) were photo
sourced and created by Russell Vint.

These images may not be redistributed by default.


------- Special Thanks --------------------------------------------------------

- Maverick for hosting the competition
- Id Software for the great game
- Sponsors who kindly donated prizes
- The people who helped me test the map
- Everyone who participated in the competition

------- OTHER COPYRIGHTS / PERMISSIONS ----------------------------------------

Distribution / Copyright / Permissions Copyright

(c) 2011 Russell Vint

Contact: russell(at)grinders[dot]co.uk

All rights reserved.

Quake and ID are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc.

Quake 3 is developed by id Software, LLC.

All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

You should not use this map as a base to build new levels.

This level may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its
current state, MUST include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY.
Please contact me if you want to include this on CD or as part of a map pack.
