Threewave - q3wpak3
Threewave - q3wpak3 by Various
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#5   29 Jan 2020
my favourite maps: 1 and,7
Edited 2.66 days after the original posting.
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I_like_quake unregistered
#4   04 May 2012
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Tig Rep. 2472
#3   30 Apr 2012
@I_like_quake: No (but technically yes), the pk3 is a 'single' grouping of all the files needed.

However, you could extract all the files required for the map(s) you want and make your own pk3, but it is a fair amount of work.

An easier option would be to remove the scripts/<map name>.arena file from the pk3 for the maps you don't want in the pack. This will prevent the unwanted maps from appearing in the in-game menu system, but you could still load them from the console if you really wanted to.

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I_like_quake unregistered
#2   30 Apr 2012
Does anyone know if i can just pick out certain maps and put it in my baseq3 folder or is that not possible?
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CZghost Rep. 1799
#1   21 Apr 2012
I cannot play it in Threewave by menu (seem it's broken), for the play I have to use console...
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