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Both of Flipout’s maps are amazing. Definitely enjoy playing these on my server with the old timers still showing this game love 🍻
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I took a look at this level now again. It really is amazing, the graphical details and consistency, this certainly must be one of the best looking Q3 levels ever made.
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Please! mind my past noobish comments I have no idea what I was doing at the time trust me. Now about the map, it's gorgeous, Tech combined with Stone/Cave really does bring out a futuristic map at its best and really, it's just an example of how brilliant mappers can put out their brilliant ideas into masterpieces. Download this and play it right now!
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I especially like the way the tech is integrated into a rock cave. Simply amazing how cleanly it merges with the normal geometry. Interesting layout. The texture set it very nifty...
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#14 14 Feb 2012
oh, btw, forgot to mention... this map looks really great. -i mean seriously. You definately got some talent.
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Wow! This looks very good i just might download this later on!
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#12 10 Oct 2011
Its amazing to see that new mappers are still arriving to the q3 scene, even this late in the game (welcome flipout). Furthermore, its amazing that new maps are still being released for this game! I guess its a testament to the playability and simplicity of q3 along with a healthy dose of open-endedness.
anyways, keep on rockin!
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#11 08 Oct 2011
Cool! Map :3
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Mmm, looks nice the map.
Just try it and win some frags ]:->
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Just...wow. Lovable scenery! You could almost convert this into Doom 3 and effortlessly convince players that its not a direct rip from a Q3 custom map...scary. Nice work nonetheless!
Edited 1234.25 days after the original posting.
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I can't believe how well the bots play in this level. A really good map. I've loaded it on this public server here :
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Yes, there's a tele from near RL (atrium floor) to near the RG.
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@muffinman - and is there a tele there that takes you back up to the rg? - sorry flipout for hijacking your map with talk of trinity - coz maybe that's the reson i thought it was freaky
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Trinity - that's the map with the RA in close proximity to the RG isn't it???
Nah, they're not that close to each other. The Quad/Mega spawn on the other hand is right under the RG. It's still a pretty solid, balanced map though. Pity it is overlooked for dueling as I think it would work quite well.
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Trinity - that's the map with the RA in close proximity to the RG isn't it??? i didn't like that map coz of this feature - ra/rg together really disconnects that part from the rest of the map (atleast as a ffa) and then it becomes about individuals taking control of and making the most out of certain areas, meaning its not so free for all after all... there are really few genuinely ffa maps being made in this respect. the weapon spawn locations and especially the teles are a little too sparkly. the ya's are too close together as well. flipout was wise not to use the gl - i don't really think it is needed on here and the exclusion of the ra and mh is interesting. it works to huddle play centrally around the 6 main items (2xYA, LG, RL, PG Quad) which can mean action but can also just as equally be constricting. to maximise the pg as a weapon to use means using it on a map which spawns quad and keeping it close to it but also placing it in a high traffic area. its pivotal point between atriums and telespawning players here has been really well thought out. you can see flipout has put alot of thought into movement and gameflow with some really nice curves and accelerations.
Edited: 22 Sep 2011 AEST
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Map got a Silver Star on FragLove with 24 online matches played so far. :)
Edited: 21 Sep 2011 AEST
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Cool! 8/10
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This release comes with a great range of assets. The look is absolutely stunning and the layout seemed to work from playing with bots. I'd like to give it a run in 2on2 tdm with real opponents. Keep them coming flipout!
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