Realm of Steel Rats
Realm of Steel Rats by Khaile & swelt
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#5   13 Jan 2012
Great Review! The map i still need to test but ill add this in my bookmarks for reminder.
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#4   22 Sep 2011
Always wondered... where did the author come up with the name "Realm of Steel Rats"? Certainly a unique name (better than cheesy crap like "Demon Keep" or "Death Factory") and I wonder what relations it might have. Maybe its because its like a maze where the rats (players) run through clad in steel (armor)?
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#3   21 Sep 2011
Any map with same name is also at Quake Live, but I cannot confirm the map identity with this.
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gooball Rep. 1091
#2   21 Sep 2011
The Q3 version id better.
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cityy Rep. 373
#1   20 Sep 2011
Great review with lots of insight and background information - thanks for the good read, Mark.
I don't like the map too much because of the way it is constructed so I wont leave a comment on the gameplay but I think the appearence of it in countless competetive map pools and pickups establishes that the map is one of the best quake 3 tdm maps of all time.
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