by Ney
Q3ultraTourney3 by Ney
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gooball Rep. 1091
#8   30 Aug 2011
I think when the author learned how to decompile maps he turned the FFA ones into CTF.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#7   18 Jul 2011
Me too. I have been considering doing a map but ever since I got stuck with the textures issue last month I lost my inspiration into doing it.
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themuffinator Rep. 1054
#6   18 Jul 2011
I think it can work well for CTF with a few changes.

I have a proper map source file for this map... perfectly optimised too with complete caulking, detailing etc.. I was considering doing my own version as I have a rough idea about how it could work. I'm just damn bad at commiting myself to anything :/

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sst13 Rep. 433
#5   18 Jul 2011
I thought about turning q2tourney3 into CTF some years ago. But the layout is'nt really suitable for a CTF map.
I also played already another CTF version of q3dm3. But I can't find this map anymore. :/
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#4   07 Jun 2011
Yeah, he didn't even add bot support. How on Earth are we supposed to play a map to say it is good without any diehard Quake III players to fight is beyond me.
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I can make a CTF version of Q3Tourney3 much better than this in 5 minutes. He didn't even take time to fix the bugs and item placements, why? A good map takes time...
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SW12 unregistered
#2   26 May 2011
Fog of death at the blue base should have been BLUE. And what's with the sky being blue at both bases too?? Oh well, i guess since I hardly understand mapping that has something to do with it.
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gooball Rep. 1091
#1   05 May 2011
Lol this is the only map Ney released that isn't an Exessive Plus map! (and q3ultradm3)
Edited: 05 May 2011 AEST
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