Derwyll's Castle 2
Derwyll's Castle 2 by Noruen
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DRAGON unregistered
#52   15 Mar 2022
thanks bru found it
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Tig Rep. 1742
#51   14 Mar 2022
To reach the Fountain of Youth is a little complex. I strongly suggest you check the demo which is linked at the bottom of the review.
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DRAGON unregistered
#50   14 Mar 2022
any body know how to get to the fountain of youth
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Rhufus1 unregistered
#49   24 Feb 2018
The only disappointment I have is this is the only map you created Noruen.
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Szaman Rep. 128
#48   10 Jul 2015
@SW12, Tig's demo shows only the Fountain of Youth secret. That i have discovered. I'm asking about the BFG secret that i can't find:/
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#47   10 Jul 2015
@Szaman: Try the link in Tig's Notes at the bottom of the review. I just tested that link, and it works.
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Szaman Rep. 128
#46   09 Jul 2015
WOW, just wow:) Very impressive map (skybox,textures, almost everything!). The teleport "wormhole" is a nice touch to the gameplay:) The only thing that bugs me are the secrets, found 2 of 3 (the Fountain and "credits chamber"), but can't find nowhere the BFG secret:( also the labyrinth is quite frustrating, good for Single player games, but not for multiplayer games.
PS: Is there still a active DEMO, where i can find the secret BFG? @gooball60 link is dead:(
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#45   20 Jul 2012
I believe there was a first version of this map and it can be found here!

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Player unregistered
#44   20 Feb 2012
cool map!
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Viktor unregistered
#43   08 Jan 2012
Cool map CTF Comands ... Flags
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#42   07 Jan 2012
I found this map on and i played your first version and it had no bot support ): but this version is way better.
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GuitarMan Rep. 468
#41   08 Aug 2011
Thank you very much Gooball for finding the secret! Damn, I've been shooting to the sky all around, but never on that angle.

@SW12: did you get it to work? If not, then on the Q3 console try the following command: /sv_pure 0 and after that run the demo.

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gooball Rep. 1091
#40   07 Aug 2011
Oooo! Can't wait for DM version!
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Noruen Rep. 2
#39   02 Aug 2011
Eeeeh.... Sorry for my absence, I've got some troubles with PC. You solved my puzzle, great :) Now I should release DM version with new secrets :)
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gooball Rep. 1091
#38   27 Jul 2011
Yeah it's fine. Good luck!
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Tig Rep. 1742
#37   25 Jul 2011
@SW12: The download for Gooball's demo has already been added to the bottom of the review. I'm not encoding the demo as a video - just linking to the demo. If you are still having issues viewing the demo, post some details about the issue and lets see if we can all work out what is going wrong.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#36   25 Jul 2011
I hope he is okay with it so I can watch it.
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Tig Rep. 1742
#35   24 Jul 2011
@Gooball: I've re-pack your demo, uploaded it to the ..::LvL server and added it to the review as well - hope that's OK with you, if not let me know and I'll remove it.
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KF unregistered
#34   24 Jul 2011
Thanks gooball!
Great demo's. Congrats on figuering the secrets out.
I'd never find them without you ;)
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Tig Rep. 1742
#33   23 Jul 2011
OK, I had no problems here on WinXP, with ioquake3. The demo is called 'demo0015.dm_68' in the menu system, maybe you already have one with that name? You can just rename the files BTW.

That is one pretty hard secret to find too.

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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#32   23 Jul 2011
And I don't. What could be the problem?

gooball said he used a mac not windows, which is what I use. So does this have something to do with it?

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Tig Rep. 1742
#31   23 Jul 2011
@SW12: In your baseq3 folder, make a 'demos' folder and place the *.dm_68 file (from inside the zip) into that folder. You should then be able to see the demo on the Q3A menu system.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#30   23 Jul 2011
I use windows. And I can't seem to get it to work. Help me?
Edited: 23 Jul 2011 AEST
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gooball Rep. 1091
#29   23 Jul 2011
Are you on mac or windows? If you are on mac, go to <computername>/Library/Application Support/Quake3/baseq3/demos/ (if you dont have a demos folder you can make one) Sorry I don't know how to do it on Windows. Try Google.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#28   23 Jul 2011
@gooball: Where do I put the demo file?

Edited: 23 Jul 2011 AEST

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gooball Rep. 1091
#27   23 Jul 2011

See my demo here:

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gooball Rep. 1091
#26   17 Jul 2011
Oh, here is the link for both:

BTW, Noruen, can you PLLSS tell us how to get to the Fountain?? I've been searching for months (literally). Thnx

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hoping unregistered
#25   15 Jul 2011

Your video does not exist anymore. Is it possible that you can repost.

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gooball Rep. 1091
#24   28 Mar 2011
Yeah, I noticed that too...
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GuitarMan Rep. 468
#23   28 Mar 2011
Wow, great findings! :)

That door underneath is intriguing, I guess that's the way to the Fountain.

I think it's got something to do with the message written around there, behind the middle portal, "The fire sent to the sky under arch with rune on the side will open the gate. Hit the mountain high if you want to wake the guide". :o

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gooball Rep. 1091
#22   28 Mar 2011
I've made another demo on how to find the BFG. I'll post it. Still trying to figure out the Fountain of Youth. :) Here's the link: :D
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R4z0r unregistered
#21   28 Mar 2011
I get the error "cl_parsegamestate: bad command byte" trying to load this map. Have searched for but not found a solution yet. Any ideas?
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GuitarMan Rep. 468
#20   28 Mar 2011
Thanks Gooball for the demo. So the hidden door was right there and I didn't notice it. :(

Now we've got to find the way into the Fountain Of Youth.
Edited: 28 Mar 2011 AEST

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Secret Agent Dan unregistered
#19   27 Mar 2011
nice map! i want a DM version of this too :D
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gooball Rep. 1091
#18   27 Mar 2011
Hey guys, I found how to reach the Labyrinth and the Hall of Many Thanks! Download my demo here:
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Vymmiatacz unregistered
#17   20 Mar 2011
Nice geometry, and amazing lightning !
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Anonymous unregistered
#16   18 Mar 2011
I downloaded this map and had a ton of fun... I'm happy that theres still plenty of regular players after all these years. :)
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CrazyKillaMalik unregistered
#15   18 Mar 2011
I wish this was in DM mode.
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DX10.1 unregistered
#14   12 Mar 2011
@GuitarMan: /noclip command in this whole map will crash?
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GuitarMan Rep. 468
#13   12 Mar 2011
RE: the secrets:

I found them by doing the /noclip thing; first one (from my previous post) was The Fountain of Youth. Then I found the other two (The Gun of Power Tomb and The Labyrinth) the same way, as I couldn't find a "legal" way to get to them. I've found the "S" rune and even found the message written behind one of the portals, but looks like I'm doing it wrong, because nothing happens. I even shoot the rune inside the base and hear a door that opens, but all I found later was a hole on a wall with a teleporter around the corner, but it takes me to somewhere else on the map, not to a secret. :(

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gooball Rep. 1091
#12   09 Mar 2011
wow cool map 9.5/10
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fisty unregistered
#11   09 Mar 2011
nice map
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phantazm11 Rep. 64
#10   08 Mar 2011
Really nice map Noruen.
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Noruen Rep. 2
#9   08 Mar 2011
Thanks for review GuitarMan :) And to all of you for your comments I really appreciate it!

GuitarMan: There are three secret areas, or "secrets". But two of them is very hard to reach. Just look for the "S" rune :)
Edited: 08 Mar 2011 AEST

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GuitarMan Rep. 468
#8   08 Mar 2011
BTW, there's a secret area inside this map. I didn't notice it until today because I didn't look around enough. I'm an ass. :(
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GuitarMan Rep. 468
#7   08 Mar 2011
but requires more powerful GPU and CPU.

Did you actually read my review? If it works on my machine, means it does NOT require anything powerful!
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DX10.1 unregistered
#6   07 Mar 2011
Large map, but requires more powerful GPU and CPU.
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SW12 unregistered
#5   07 Mar 2011
You know what the landscape reminds me of? The final mission in Dawn Of War. With the charred landscape and all. I wonder what planet that is...
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themuffinator Rep. 1054
#4   07 Mar 2011
A real work of art. The eery atmosphere is incredible, although looks a little bland in places. Not sure about the gameplay as I haven't played it enough, but it should be the typical slowish terrain map style gameplay which isn't necessarily a bad thing. 9.5/10 from me
Edited: 07 Mar 2011 AEST
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SW12 unregistered
#3   07 Mar 2011
Maps like this look IMPOSSIBLE to make. I mean, just look how complex it is with all those fancy textures!
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GuitarMan Rep. 468
#2   07 Mar 2011
took long enough for this to get reviewed eh? :D

Strangely enough, this one has been sitting on the map queue for quite a long time without getting reviewed. I wonder why, 'cause it's outstanding. Design is superb without eating up more resources than needed, I cannot stress this enough, as for me that's the point that makes great designers stand out from the rest. And of course, I loved the whole sci-fi set-up.

I'll keep an eye on this guy's work, that's for sure.

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fKd Rep. 390
#1   07 Mar 2011
great map from a true rising star here ppl. his next effort looks even more amazing. this map was a funny one. read this thread to see the development process if ya into that kinda thing

keep em coming sir! 9.5/10

ps. took long enough for this to get reviewed eh? :D

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