TSU-DROUND by Panda (Pantsu)
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Kyall Rep. 417
#14   11 Mar 2012
Oh sorry, I did use the right mod :P.
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Kyall Rep. 417
#13   10 Mar 2012
This map is pretty fun. I haven't tried it with the mod that you are supposed to use, but i tried it with excessive plus. To get around, i just blast myself with the BFG, and go flying through the spirals. To me, it is a lot more fun than everyone else makes it sound like. 9/10.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#12   29 Feb 2012
This map looks like a bundle of fun :). I might just test it out to see if it reaches my standards.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#11   12 Jun 2011
Thanks for updating the name of the map. I knew that it wasn't really named after the mod.
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#10   09 Dec 2010
You can play on the server - NEY SOD CTF. It is visible in the server list on the site www.excessiveplus.net/spider
Usually has an address:
Port can vary.
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#9   09 Dec 2010
For the game in the style of SOD necessary to install MOD quake 3 arena - excessiveplus. And also have the config - sodmod.cfg. All this can be onayti on our general forum devoted to mod excessiveplus - excessiveplus.net.
It would be nice to be able to demonstrate the style here add to the site of the DEMO Quake 3 (Sod). Then everything would be easier.
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CrazyKillaMalik unregistered
#8   01 Nov 2010
$zWkZZ I need to try to make one of my own better....
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SW12 unregistered
#7   23 Oct 2010
Again? LOL Where did you mention this before? Sorry, if I'm intruding.
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Pasquake Rep. 100
#6   23 Oct 2010
again, I don't speak english very well :S
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SW12 unregistered
#5   22 Oct 2010
Umm..."Still do not works"? What type of grammar is that?? (no offense)
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Pasquake Rep. 100
#4   21 Oct 2010
Still do not works... I've tried to search that mod but didn't found, i downloaded the mod at the comment link but still don't works... i can't complete the spire even with strafe jumping... maybe that a RL can help strafing + "RJumping" in perpendicoular to the spire walls...
p.s. strangely now i can post comments... yesterday i was not able to, it was asking me to type the code like i was unregistred and eve if i logged out and logged in again it was still saying that i was needing to log in... IDK because of it, no idea... even remote one U.U
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SW12 unregistered
#3   21 Oct 2010
It appears the map was Made for A Mod called Sod Style CTF version. I don't really know 'cause I don't really follow excessive mods.
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Pasquake Rep. 100
#2   20 Oct 2010
i still can't reach the flags even with excessive...
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SW12 unregistered
#1   11 Oct 2010
I thought at first all of the "Sod Style" maps were all posted under the same Author. Since I'm wrong I can't wait to see the other names used.
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