Orichalciane by Scorn
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Geniraul Rep. 1476
#15   02 Nov 2023
@SCORN I think there is something very special, I would even say unique, about your levels that are located high above the sea. They skillfully use portals to take you on a journey into alternate realities full of mysteries, and supplement the atmosphere by an original chromium-like feel. I also like the fact that despite the presence of some of the ancient elements in this release, it still manages to create the impression of being in a sci-fi futuristic world very well.
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Anonymous unregistered
#14   01 Nov 2023
@geniraul yes, exactly (:
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Geniraul Rep. 1476
#13   02 Sep 2023
@mvtuszewski, this one: www.instagram.com/p/Cv14ggWK6E3/ ? I took a look at that and I must say this is some really decent work!
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mvtuszewski unregistered
#12   02 Sep 2023
Messenger to all, author too. Check instagram account liaz_v , he creates 3d renders, I wrote to him to create this map, the post with the effect is at the top of his profile.
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Geniraul Rep. 1476
#11   12 Mar 2023
@Mapsking Thank you very much for the bot patch file, a great upgrade to the map as usual! On 2019.10.07 I gave this map the vote of 4, and now I was able to change it to 5 thanks to this patch!
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#10   04 Oct 2020
Cool design techniques, but is this quake 3?
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SAMUEL DE CRUZ ( SCORN) unregistered
#9   06 Sep 2019
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SCORN Rep. 3
#8   28 Jul 2018
Author member page : lvlworld.com/member/id:3063
SCORN - Samuel De Cruz
  • Bloodstone
  • Orichalciane
  • Arktron
  • Rustarium
  • Space Renegade
  • Acidburn
  • Toxicmetal
  • ...
Edited 9 seconds after the original posting.
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IMPORTANT unregistered
#7   26 Jul 2018
Hi - I am SAMUEL DE CRUZ, the creator of this map (my playername is SCORN, or sometime UNKNOWN). This map is more a visual map than a fight map (in the txt file i wrote super fight map, but it was a copy of another txt...).

I work again on this visual work but with 3DS MAX : you can see all my new work (better) here :

If you wan to see all my 3D WORKS :

Here i did the " knot " again : www.flickr.com/pho...57652541441915/

I would like to thank you all of you for your comments and support - thank you. Best regards -
Samuel De Cruz - ( samdec86@yahoo.fr) 3D ARTIST

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gooball Rep. 1091
#6   17 Jul 2014
I love this map, the atmosphere, the style, everything. Nice job! 10/10
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#5   13 Apr 2012
Do you ever know the Marsbase or Neotech texturesets? No? Me too :D

Anyway, the map is realy cool...

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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#4   15 Jan 2012
Downloaded this map a long time ago. Excellent!. 10/10.
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BlueParadicey Rep. 44
#3   18 Jan 2011
Man i would love to play the bots version like the orignal
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spirit Rep. 715
#2   09 Aug 2010
Yeah, I had similar problems...
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Bliccer unregistered
#1   07 Aug 2010
When I played the map during the map queue phase, I didn't know what to write about this map. The architecture and the "story" behind it is very cool, but
gameplay isn't existing. It's more an experimental map than a dm. I love that homage to Kubrick's movie.
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