jumprun by NaturalSpringWater
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2498
#6   18 Oct 2012
Hey! I can beat some of these jumps! Yay!
@NaturalSpringWater: Any reason you don't use your registered account for making comments & voting anymore? Just this one comment?
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FragTastic Rep. 2457
#5   09 Jan 2012
Excellent map for Rocket Launcher! I love it! 10/10
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mark unregistered
#4   09 Mar 2009
thanks for clearing things up - i think this would explain why defrag mappers only give you enough ammo to complete the required jump and why in other maps (where there are alternate routes, or more than 1 jump combo possible) it is easier to give the player the weapon again in later sections rather than just leaving an ammo pack - cheers
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Anonymous unregistered
#3   07 Mar 2009
Hi mark - you make use of the target_give entity. If a target_give targets an ammo pack with a negative "count" value, the player's ammo will decrease. I knew this back then; but the problem with this is that if you strip more ammo from a player than they have, they go into the negatives, and are able to shoot infinitely. So you need to know exactly how much they have and take away exactly that much. Since weapons supply up to a certain ammount of ammo, and give +1 after that, you can give the player a weapon first (with a count value higher than how much ammo the player could possible have, so 200 will always work), then immediately after take away that much ammo. If the player is able to shoot off a shot right in the middle, he'd get infinite ammo, but this is hard to do. If you want to be sure, run a check by doing the process again 1 or 2 seconds later when he wont expect it.
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Mark unregistered
#2   04 Mar 2009
Thks nsw - i had alot of fun (and frustration) doing this run. just out of curiosity how did you solve the problem of weapon disabling? (i know you can use a numeric matrix which sets weapon availablility on maps - but i think this is a server side only cmd). thks once again
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naturalspringwater Rep. 141
#1   28 Feb 2009
Hi i just wanted to say TY for the positive feedback. I can tell you clearly put a lot of effort into understanding the map before reviewing it; this is very good. What you said about the painful texturing in certain rooms, i couldn't agree with you more. And as for the grenade ammo issue - i have recently solved it when it came up in other maps like bball. but like several of my most recent releases, jumprun is a map whose .map file is long lost, and there are changes i only wish i could make. thx again for the good review (:
Edited: 28 Feb 2009 AEST
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