H.P. Lovecraft
H.P. Lovecraft by r_speeds
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#13   03 Nov 2012
I agree with the review, It's nicely designed and structured and reminds me of a vampire ground. Like the reviewer said, this map has great potential and I also believe that. 7/10
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SW12 unregistered
#12   13 Oct 2011
How does this map relate to H.P Lovecraft?
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Steinecke unregistered
#11   07 Apr 2000
Alien in the worst way.
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Sir Frags A Lot unregistered
#10   28 Mar 2000
one word for this level: boring

I give it a 5

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KODIAK unregistered
#9   27 Mar 2000
A really special map. I enjoyed it a lot. But what is that red thing in front of the gargoyle?

Gameplay is not the best though. But the atmosphere as most of you have said it already is GREAT!

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Belial unregistered
#8   26 Mar 2000
You don't need flight. Two rocket jumps and a strafe jump will get it, too. ;-)

Very cool map, though. if there was a murky castle looming in one corner that could be entered and fought in, well, this would be an amazing map.

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Joseph Stalin unregistered
#7   26 Mar 2000
I like the idea of needing the flight to go for the BFG.

Don`t be afraid to experiment, the outdoor area looks superb. An indoor area would have complimented it perfectly.

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Dutch unregistered
#6   25 Mar 2000
Atmosphere again atmosphere there I spelled it.
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Dutch unregistered
#5   25 Mar 2000
Timewax is right about the atmoshere and all it needs is a moderate indoor area added on.Jim,s comment on the fly powerup is right on the money.Your idea is a good one and it shows imagination.Nice difference from all the goth .Change is good all you need is an indoor added on it ( even if it is gothic)
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not entered unregistered
#4   25 Mar 2000
Very boring map.
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Jim unregistered
#3   25 Mar 2000
A good concept and it is executed fairly well. Unfortunately the play is way out of balance as whoever gets the fly powerup can easily dominate the map.

Besides that the only things I didn't like about it were that it was a bit too flat (besides the fly- there's no real vertical dimension to the play) and it looked a little bland.

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timewax unregistered
#2   25 Mar 2000
This map has no gameplay at all. But theres a lot of atmosphear(hope it's spelled this way). Hope the author adds a map to it.
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0ozE unregistered
#1   25 Mar 2000
Looks ugly as Hades...not gonna download this one first!
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