2!Sweet clan map
2!Sweet clan map by 2!S*Monk
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#7   06 Mar 2012
I love this TA Map. It's just amazing piece of work. 9/10
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Dakarin unregistered
#6   22 Oct 2007
hehe, didn't expected to see it here.
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WaspKiller unregistered
#5   03 Oct 2007
Nice map for E+. GJ Monk. I was going to explain to Spirit why this map needs no health or ammo but you beat me to it.
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spirit Rep. 715
#4   03 Aug 2007
Ahh, this makes some sense! Didn't know about that, maybe you should have mentioned it in the readme.

Didn't test with Exzessiveplus, but the layout and size make a lot more sense with that mod in mind.

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Monk unregistered
#3   03 Aug 2007
realy sorry for the items but this map is create for excessiveplus and this mod need no items.
Environement is large and need weapon trick jump for good move.
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spirit Rep. 715
#2   03 Aug 2007
Yeah, item placement in general could have been improved a lot.
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Rome Rep. 21
#1   03 Aug 2007
map needed beta testing befor the final, could do without the BFG.
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