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Since the bots always fall into the lava, then things might just get better for the bots when I'm done with it...
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#27 29 Jul 2002
I had lots of fun watching the bots constantly fall into the lava :-)
Not a bad conversion really. Made for humans though ;-)
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#26 07 Apr 2000
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#25 01 Apr 2000
No, as I mentioned before, the fact that you can fall into the lava by going left as you exit the tele from RA/RL. You shouldn't be able to. Maybe something to do with proportions and bounding boxes being different in q1 and q3. Just needs a clipping ajustment, but it's really annoying as it is. I like the style of the bridge itself.
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Mike Zuber
#24 30 Mar 2000
Yes, it is there for lobbing grenades down - doesn't work horribly well, but it's there :op
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Mike Zuber
#23 30 Mar 2000
DM4 lava bridge thing? I'm afraid I don't follow. DO you mean the style of the bridge?
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#22 27 Mar 2000
Morgoth, I'm prety sure that was intentional as a little feature for the vigilant to find.
Mike - Just thought I'd let you know that I managed to get a decent couple of games played on your conversions at the LAN party, and the consensus was that the dm4 lava bridge thing spoiled the map a bit, but that the conversions were great, with q3q1dm2 playing especially well. So now you know, keep it up man :).
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#21 25 Mar 2000
Cool map, kinda tight
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#20 21 Mar 2000
Also, on the grating note (from the megahealth room) - It seems that the grate on the other side (in the main lava room)has a passage, to the teleporter place, however the only way to get in there is to use '/noclip' was this intentional? or is it for lobbing grenades down there or something?
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#19 21 Mar 2000
What are the chances of another release of the map on/before Thursday? There's a big (400 people) LAN party over the weekend full of frustrated ex-q1ers that might be grateful for a really good conversion... :)
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#18 21 Mar 2000
Yepp, it's like a timewarp back in the old days. Just with a better look. I really like the dark atmosphere of the map, like in Claustrophobopolis by Mike. Ok, it's a conversion but in my opinion it's a good one.
One last question:Will there be a Q1DM6 for Q3A by Mike?
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Mike Zuber
#17 21 Mar 2000
That was intentional - I don't know if you read the readme.txt, but it's hinted at in there....
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#16 20 Mar 2000
It's kind of strange how you can walk through the grate on the right in the megahealth room (when you first walk in) and into a secret little passage...
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The Jackal
#15 20 Mar 2000
Good playin map
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MIke Zuber
#14 20 Mar 2000
Lordy & Dirt,
Thats an interesting problem you've described concerning the RA/RL teleport, although I can't imagine how it can be I'll look into it nonetheless.
In hindsight, yes, the map is a bit too purple in places, expect that to change ;o)
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#13 20 Mar 2000
I agree with the lava point, this is the second DM4 conversion I've seen that is let down slightly by falling into the lava on the left side of the walkway from exiting the high RL.
Other than that, perhaps a bit too purple in places :) but a good map nonetheless.
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#12 20 Mar 2000
For god's sake, do you people not read what the map author says at all??? STOP WHINING about a problem he says he is trying to fix ffs.
Anyway, I quite like the map, but I'd like it more with a couple of changes...as you exit the tele from ra, you shouldn't be able to fall into the lava off the left hand side of the bridge. I'm not entirely sure about having the raised egde around the walkway in the main room, and imo the q1 textures around the teles (get it, around, not the actual teles themselves) look a bit out of place. Apart from small things like that, thanks Mike (noone ever seem to thank map authors either, just complain), it's a cool conversion.
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Mike Zuber
#11 19 Mar 2000
I've found the problem:
It turns out that since my other maps use the same "teleporter texture" (namely q3q1dm2 - Claustrophobopolis), the texture problem never showed up for myself or any of the other testers I had working on this map because since we all had q3q1dm2 loaded, the texture required for q3q1dm4 is loaded with it. So there you go, as a temporary quick-fix, you can download q3q1dm2.zip and your problem should go away.
A more long-term solution is in the works. Please be patient.
Mike Zuber
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#10 19 Mar 2000
the missing texture could be a dodgy .shader file esp. as its the teleporter. Make your own .shaders, or use the ones that come with q3a
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Johnny Law
#9 19 Mar 2000
It should be easy to find missing textures in testing. Just get all extraneous pk3s out of your baseq3 folder and watch for error messages in the console when you load the map in Q3.
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#8 19 Mar 2000
Right read the top comment just now and it's the teleporter textures Mike, just get that stupid black and white texture missing thing instead...if you get it fixed please tell me where to get the update. =) L8rs.
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#7 19 Mar 2000
AHHHHHHH!!! More missing textures? I just don't understand why people release them like this, or even if they just forget textures why don't they send Tig an updated file or post a address to get it at? Anyhow, not sure what you meant by "successfull" Tig, I didn't like it very much...though maybe all you meant was that it was a faithful conversion. I didn't find it played to well, the bots...they sucked crap frankly, more being stuck in negatives than positive scores no matter what the difficulty setting. Might play
ok in a medium size FFA, other than that can't see much use. =(
Happy Fraggin! Octovus
(6 outa 10)
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Mike Zuber
#6 19 Mar 2000
I hear all of you people, but please understand that it is difficult to fix a problem that you don't come across during testing. If at all possible, please send screenshots of your "missing texture" problems so I can look into it.
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#5 19 Mar 2000
I usually post my comments before reading the other user comments so I have this one more to add- I HAVE the Threewave pak and I'm still getting a missing texture- so there's something else missing.
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#4 19 Mar 2000
This map doesn't look half-bad, but it's a little small and tight in spaces. Big points off for missing texture (in teleporter)- points off for ugly Q1 style teleporter frame- oh, it's another bloody conversion...
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#3 19 Mar 2000
A 500kb file (like this map) should not have to depened on a 8meg download (ThreeWave CTF pk3,
lvlworld.com/comments.php ), esp. when the twpak.pk3 has nothing to do with this map
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#2 19 Mar 2000
In this map are the same problems with missing textures as in "Claustrophobopolis" (the Mike Zuber version). I can just say that the missing textures suddenly appeared after I downloaded the Threewave-Map pack. I don't know why, but I guess you should try to download this first.
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#1 19 Mar 2000
The textures are deficient. :(
I have the following errors:
-Couldn't find image for shader textures/q1dm2/portal2
-Couldn't find image for shader textures/gothic_trim/skullsvert01b
If somebody release a map, the all textures what used on it need to be in the pk3 file IMHO.
The map is cool anyway, but I like to download the needed textures, so I ask the AUTHOR to help some way.
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