The Vast And Furious - 13th RMX
The Vast And Furious - 13th RMX by sst13
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Dave Rep. 53
#18   18 Dec 2011
Really fun!!!
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Tig Rep. 1742
#17   08 Jun 2011
@SW12: Yep, that is another one
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#16   08 Jun 2011
Let me guess. Is <I3FG20K> one of them?
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Tig Rep. 1742
#15   08 Jun 2011
Yep, there are in fact 3 'BFG20K' accounts, all the same person. Let me know if you find another {BFG20K} or even a Master_BFG20K reviews and I'll update them. They should all be like this one.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#14   05 Jun 2011
According to his record he reviewed only four maps. This just happens to be one of them.
Edited: 07 Jun 2011 AEST
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#13   05 Jun 2011
How exactly is this version different from the original? Was it the really cool trap door effect?

...well, I have to admit that was intriguing... But since it was almost too easy to fall off the edge- I'll give this a 5.6

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jkno Rep. 32
#12   13 Feb 2011
I like this map, bots ply well and it is really fun.
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SW12 unregistered
#11   06 Feb 2011
The one time I liked his review was on an underrated map LDAQ3A05CTF by Lee David Ash. In fact his was the only positive comment around the time that map came out.
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#10   06 Feb 2011
Yeah. He didnt even mention what the changes made to the map were like, such as the side jump pads or the cool opening door.

Ive never played the original in Q3 but having played it in Quake Live it is certainly a cool map, beats Space CTF any old day. sst13s door idea was inventive and Im glad id software took notice of it. They may be looking at ..::LvL right now and we don`t even realize it. :o
Edited: 06 Feb 2011 AEST

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GuitarMan Rep. 468
#9   06 Feb 2011
Gotta hate these {BFG20K} reviews. Well, that's if you can call "reviews" to these one-or-two-paragraphs spits.
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@EmeraldTiger: unregistered
#8   06 Feb 2011
Why did you change your avatar? I thought Ranger suited you.
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sst13 Rep. 443
#7   06 Feb 2011
Yes, I've seen it yesterday. :D
Maybe id take a look at my CTF conversions now...
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#6   05 Feb 2011
Hey sst13 - I think id likes your remix.

QL just came out with Skyward and it`s got all your modifications in it.

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Rawing Rep. 70
#5   05 Aug 2008
I didn't ever play the original map, but i luv this one :D Can't see why {BFG20K} gave a score of 5!
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Tig Rep. 1742
#4   22 Jan 2008
Not 100% sure what you mean by how do you add it?

Do mean how do you play this map in Q3A? If so, extract the files from the download to your Quake III Arena baseq3 folder and start Quake 3 up. Then select the single player > Skirmish option.

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Anonymous unregistered
#3   22 Jan 2008
how do you add it?
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Tig Rep. 1742
#2   13 Sep 2005
The original level source file has been released to the public so people can re-make this map. Personally, I think its great to see, however a little bit more modification would have also been nice :]
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Mast3r BFG20K Rep. 8
#1   13 Sep 2005
I may have given this map a little bit less credit than it deserved. This map is alright, i just don't like it when people use other people's work to make something else. Overall, it's still a good map.
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