Passive Valley
Passive Valley by PassiveAggressor
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#4   14 Jan 2012
Holy Crap! LOVE IT! 10/10
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Madan unregistered
#3   28 Feb 2004
Seeing as it's PA's first build, I'll be sweet and add +2 to my score: (7/10).

But, let's be honest... It's a pretty ugly map and the gameplay isn't all that great.

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PassiveAggressor unregistered
#2   22 Sep 2003
Thanks for the positive feedback gib'litz mate, your a star! yeah it was my first map, I think it came out ok.. humm now for my next trick :)
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gib'litz unregistered
#1   20 Sep 2003
Not mentioned in the review, but this is Passive's first map release; for that I'd give it a 10. I've played this map a while now and have actively looked for "room for improvement" areas but only in a nit picky sense (because this map is much better than anything I could do); variation from the rectangular layout in midfield, for instance? (what do you think?) I like the various passageway routes.. and shot meself in the mirrored panel the first time I saw me!! hehe. N1 PA!!
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