Crash & Burn
by dAde
Crash & Burn by dAde
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waY2Kool unregistered
#3   13 Aug 2003

nice map though. 8/10

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who's black now? unregistered
#2   10 Aug 2003
no no see orange is the whole of the green. obscurity only stiffens the purpose. not without milk leave it alone ask the farmer. how much, never a doubt, no no can the fish just awake?
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Octovus unregistered
#1   08 Aug 2003
Umm...well, I enjoyed it. I especially like the circular room's idea, though it contains a lot of armor. The high staired room made for interesting firefights, as did the lattice-work atop some of the pillars (see review screenshot). It looks like a nice-enough Q3 Gothic map, which is common, but you couldn't accuse it of having any major visual faux-pas. A fun map if you like FFA. Didn't try tourney.



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