Sewer by Adrian Kurtin
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#3   07 Nov 2021
one of the best realisations of a sewer theme I have seen in q3. Reminds me a little of the original quake single player sewers with the zombies (only green instead of brown). I would have loved to have seen the toilet incorporated as a way to drop into the sewers below. You can also rocket jump out of the map from street level which could have been either been incorporated into the map or clipped entirely off. Weapons and armour accommodate quite a large player load. Not without its flaws, but a fun map.
Edited 1.22 hours after the original posting.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#2   07 Jan 2012
I would make the map a little bit smaller to make it claustrophobic like normal sewers but its still good.
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-*DMF*-ULTRASPANK5 unregistered
#1   19 Aug 2003
I have to say that this map shows more than potential, this design is unique and attractive. Very original and a great idea. The bot play is limited, but this map is a far cry from current maps that consist of Gothic textures and so on. Great idea, Adrian.
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