by Myth
Freefall by Myth
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#11   07 Jun 2011
This is a keeper. Reminded me much of Pig's pit.
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PaN61 Rep. 393
#10   10 Feb 2010
Really fun map, best played with 11 bots on nightmare and with as much human players you want to play with, but not too many or the map will get overcrowded.

Edited: 10 Feb 2010 AEST

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AEon Rep. 780
#9   21 Sep 2009
Interesting concept map. Alas the free fall part does not match the "groundhog" part at the bottom of the map, IMO. In one moment flying, the next you feel chained to the floor.

It may have been better to have made the map higher (3-4 times), and double the width/breadth of the shaft, add more small platforms on the walls as "rest stops", completely scrapping the ground floor area, plus add more JPs to get back "up" again. You'd keep on falling into the lower TP, and combat would be in the air or on the platforms you fall past, or flying up between the platforms. Then play "instagib" in that map for real fun ;)
Edited: 21 Sep 2009 AEST

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Equim unregistered
#8   13 May 2002
class work Myth :)
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*papri-K* unregistered
#7   10 May 2002
wow i tried the same thing, without success up to now... gotta try it a few more times...
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Tigger-oN unregistered
#6   09 May 2002
Getting a direct rocket hit while falling is a blast :]
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*papri-K* unregistered
#5   07 May 2002
fun map, lots of tricks possible. Multiple-rocket explosions are up to date with this one...

Hey Myth, very nice demo. 'I luv it'

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Fragmoose unregistered
#4   04 May 2002
Yaaayyyy what fun!

This map rules!

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Lavaman unregistered
#3   30 Apr 2002
Loved it, what else can i say

fun fun fun

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Speedy unregistered
#2   26 Apr 2002
ownage ! pure fun, if only for short time
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<SuX0r> unregistered
#1   26 Apr 2002
ROFL! This is possibly the funniest map I have ever seen. It's so worth downloading just for the mid-air frags, I would love to see 10-15 humans on this map :p. I'm giving it an 8 because I don't score novelty maps any higher than that. A most worthy use of 0.66MB. :D
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