Jumping to Contusions - Tourney Version
by pjw
Jumping to Contusions - Tourney Version by pjw
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#9   10 Jul 2012
Well I must say that the Tourney version is way better than the original version :D. The lighting is amazing and I've never seen anything like it before. You have given me more ideas for my custom map I'll be making. 8/10
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051R15 unregistered
#8   05 Sep 2009
A really unique fusion of tech and goth design here. Game play is great with 4 or 5 bots.
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Banal Terror unregistered
#7   21 Mar 2002
Wow, this map is gorgeous. I spent half an hour alone on the map, no bots, just admiring the design. Sure the map is too big for fast and furious gameplay, but that's not the author's intent.

This is without doubt one of the most beautiful levels I've ever had the chance to play.

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hannibal unregistered
#6   20 Feb 2002
Hey, Hot n' Moist is still on my HD. Simple, but still fun. Just keep on truckin man. :)
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pjw unregistered
#5   20 Feb 2002
My next map should be more up your alley, then. It's had a good thrashing by the CPM enthusiasts and certainly has the best gameplay of any map I've made so far. Final available soon. :)
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hannibal unregistered
#4   20 Feb 2002
Spot on review by PI. Not much here gameplay wise, but pjw can make 'em purdy. :) Hope you do fling out a map or two

'optimized' for tourney play someday...I'd like to see what you can do on that front.

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pjw unregistered
#3   19 Feb 2002
>>Errr... wait. Just atually read the title--"tourney version". Now I understand the review more."

LOL! Read-->Comprehend-->Post

I'm weird? Pot. Kettle. Black. :D

pjw3dm2 (Cellular Rage) was actually made before pjw3dm1 because the latter took approximately the half-life of the universe to make.

The map formerly known as Klesk's Lair is undergoing a bit of a makeover, beta by this weekend . . . probably.

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wviperw unregistered
#2   19 Feb 2002
"i'm weird"

yes you are my friend... :D

Agree that tourney wasn't meant for the map. Or is it, the map wasn't meant for tourney?? hmmm... well anyway, FFA is pretty fun IMO, and of course, the map looks sweet. Kinda like pjw3dm1. (btw, what happened to pjw3dm2. And also, what happened to "klesks lair"?? Does klesks lair = pjw3dm2 and youre going to whip it out and surprise everyone w/ its uber coolness or what?? )

Errr... wait. Just atually read the title--"tourney version". Now I understand the review more.

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pjw unregistered
#1   19 Feb 2002
I like playing tourney on it, but then . . . I'm weird. :)

I'll grant you that it's certainly not suitable for hardcore tourney players; I made it basically because I got a few requests for a less-gigantic version of the original map where two players could actually find each other. :p

Thanks for the nice review. I was a little worried that I might get something along the lines of "Tourney!?! He's on crack. Give this one a pass." :)

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