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A rather fabulous looking map with excellent textures. This is probably one of the best Egyptian based maps I have ever played.
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It's very good map, i've played it in Freezy Tag and it's super...
Thank you. Really the best map I've played...
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re: post #25 Hajonkin - Mark is a regular contributor (ranked #2 after the founder of the site - Tig) AND is always right (well almost always), so I'd pick a fight with someone else - Or on a different site altogether.... just a suggestion...
As to the map - it's a classic - as the reviewer states "techically perfect", the only drawback for me is the egyptian theme which makes me go a bit cross eyed after a while ; )
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#22 25 Apr 2011
Amazing design! I've really enjoyed the map!
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#21 09 Sep 2008
Who is this Mark dare enough to judge all the internet?
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#20 24 Mar 2002
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#19 19 Feb 2002
a great level, not much more to say. contains a contrast of all the things that are needed in a quake 3 map:D good work
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#18 15 Feb 2002
i wouldn't bother posting an opinion on this map... or any map for that matter in vq3 because i simply don't see the point in myself having to play vq3 when CPMA is available. It's not that i refuse to comment, it's just that i refuse to play vq3 in order to obtain viable feedback for a map.
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#17 15 Feb 2002
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#16 15 Feb 2002
Thanks elende, that was my point :-)
Electro, for sure you can express your opinion! But saying vq3 isn't even deserving of comment because it sucks...? That's not just an opinion, you're saying Lvl shouldn't talk about vq3 and that'd be a pretty big change.
And I wasn't generalising, if you read with a bit of thought (which would have been to your disadvantage): "Comments like that are the only reason I think CPM players can be very stupid and arrogant. You're allowed to like whatever you want, so I am and other people who like vq3 (though I now play both)." Notice the can. And I go on to say you're allowed to like whatever you want, which is half your argument in reply...I just don't understand why CPM players think they're "right", or more importantly, that the vq3 players are "wrong".
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#15 15 Feb 2002
"I think CPM players can be very stupid and arrogant. " I think so also.. I play osp and cpma ONLY meanwhile,BUTI I agree with the sentence above. just watch the "Tone" some "pro-players" use in a lot forums and on servers... I think cpm kicks Ass like this Map does.. but we should really try not to make a endless pointless "argueing" between "proplayers" and vq3players"... 9 points
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#14 15 Feb 2002
Fantastic Map.
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#13 14 Feb 2002
Octovus: i'm allowed to express my opinion however i want.
I dont play vq3 so there would be not point in me expressing an opinion on how the map plays in it.
I may be a small part in the CPM community, but nothing i say should effect the community as a whole. I'm not a CPMA public representative... and to generalise that all CPMA players are "very stupid and arrogant" would be a stupid comment itself.
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#12 14 Feb 2002
This was a fun map to beta and watch it grow into the final release. Gameplay on it rocks, textures and visuals are nice. Good job Mr. Pink!
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#11 14 Feb 2002
I really enjoy this map. The evolution from beta to release was very good and RDog made good use of the feedback he received. Definately worth the DL. This one will be on my HD for a long time!
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Commander Keen
#10 14 Feb 2002
I beta tested this map very original and unique. game play kicks ass great work DOG!!! :o)
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The Hubster
#9 14 Feb 2002
Shuddup xfoo:P
IF there is one, then:P
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#8 13 Feb 2002
one of the best q3 maps released, the gameplay is pretty much the most fun I've had since charon3dm10 and it looks beautiful too. Probably the best use of sock tex yet apart from chiroptera.
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#7 13 Feb 2002
What the hell, there's going to be another map pack? =P
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#6 13 Feb 2002
"VQ3 sucks, so why bother even commenting on how it plays in that", to quote Electro. Comments like that are the only reason I think CPM players can be very stupid and arrogant. You're allowed to like whatever you want, so I am and other people who like vq3 (though I now play both). I am interested in how this level plays in vq3; a sentence devoted to the matter is at least justified, if not more than sensible. That said, a comment saying it plays badly in vq3 should not turn off cpm players, only those interested in vq3 play. I don't understand why you have a problem with one sentence.
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The Hubster
#5 13 Feb 2002
Yet another review which tells us absolutely NOTHING about this map.
I watched this level in it's beta stages, and the amount of work put into it by rdog is tremendous.
Almost every turn of the corner in this map offers multiple opportunities in terms of navigation - take heed fellow mappers!!! - rdog has practised one of the golden rules of level design, and he has pulled it off very very well!
Yes, the texturing is lovely, but that's far from important imho.
This is a challenging map to play - the layout is far from simple imo, and requires a learning to curve to play. This is good.
Excellent connectivity and item placement abounds, Khaile and xfoo take notice! - this level surely belongs in the next CPMA Map Pack.
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#4 13 Feb 2002
i dont believe in "Technically perfect" maps.... however this map is very good.. and i hope this isn't Rdog's mapping peak, as i'd like to definately see more work like this from him.
Anyway.. about the map. The high ceilings combined with long corridors make a good couple to build up fast bunny hopping speeds, and the platforms extending out diagonally provide for good trick jump possibilities. I found the map to be a little too large in some areas, but that was partially compensated for with the item placement.
The looks are nice.... and yeah, those dam overlapping brushes always seem to sneak in ;)
VQ3 sucks, so why bother even commenting on how it plays in that.... nice job RDog, 9 from me.
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#3 13 Feb 2002
the pinnacle of mapping excellence... or something like that. :) This level has it all, the looks, the gameplay in all modes, the tricjumps, the layout.
Great job rdog. If only there wasn't that overlapping brush... :)
9.5 from me
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#2 13 Feb 2002
played through the betas, loved 'em, loved the finished version even more. One of the better CPM focused maps to come out in awhile. Nice one Rdog.
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#1 13 Feb 2002
Well, it's another one of those "read the author's name, you know you should download it" situations. The Egyptian theme only adds more reasons; there have been a number of great looking and playing maps in that style recently and this one does not disappoint :-) It's been a while since I played it and therefore I'm not %100 on the IP; however, I remember it as being pretty well balanced and the review seems to agree. Bots are also quite happy. So nice work! 9 from me.
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