by Gael
Desperation by Gael
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#9   05 Jul 2019
can handle quite a large player load too
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Takkie Rep. 1808
#8   03 Feb 2015
Very nice space map. Cool layout, swift gameplay and it isn't a q3dm17 ripoff. This one should be in any space map server rotation. Bots navigate good too!
Edited 2133.93 days after the original posting.
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Floggerr unregistered
#7   05 Apr 2002
This map kicks ass...Great map for insta ;)
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slyster unregistered
#6   05 Jan 2002
Very smooth... Very playable
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[F|C]ZephyrX unregistered
#5   03 Jan 2002
We knew this map was awesome months ago ;)
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[GAEL] unregistered
#4   02 Jan 2002
How did you guess, wviperw? hehe good to see some other people from Q3W LE forum getting some props here at LVL. Thanks for the review Holy Sausage.

I feel tingly all over. :)

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wviperw unregistered
#3   02 Jan 2002
Looks good. I'm guessing GAEL is in F|C also?? :)
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[F|C]Lucifer unregistered
#2   02 Jan 2002
Really Good Job!

Keep them coming!

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[F|C]Gizmo unregistered
#1   02 Jan 2002
Way to go Gael, very nice map,

Good Job !!!

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