Black Shining Leather
by Geit
Black Shining Leather by Geit
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#15   07 Mar 2012
Holy Cow! This map looks ace. 9.5/10
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Jack unregistered
#14   19 Feb 2002
Great Gameplay! Keep up the great work!


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Jim unregistered
#13   11 Jan 2002
Simple texturing but excellent layout and item placement (VERY well placed grenade launcher).

We've had some great LAN matches on this one.

9 outta 10

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*69 unregistered
#12   09 Dec 2001
Awsome map this is what its all about someone who understands what its to make a map iD soft should call u tomorrow.
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<BOSCO> unregistered
#11   06 Dec 2001
Top 10 on my list for sure. Too much fun! Bot's play pretty well in Hardcore in my experience.

Great layout, very fluid- More please!

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Tyre unregistered
#10   06 Dec 2001
I get a flickering problem with this map that I don't recognise. The bot clustering makes this map less suitable for single person play, which is a shame, I like the aesthetic.
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The Hubster unregistered
#9   02 Dec 2001
Not a bad move imho. gameplay is king.
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O_o unregistered
#8   02 Dec 2001
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koZmiQ unregistered
#7   30 Nov 2001
Cool map. I think it does have atmosphere, a dark brooding one.
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krekits unregistered
#6   30 Nov 2001
OK map, but it's too bad the bots just group together just below the curved stairs in the screenshot. It is by far the most interesting area in the map, and the other ones gets visited much less frequently.

Has looks but lacks gameplay.

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CleanerWolf unregistered
#5   30 Nov 2001
Good gameplay, but it looks unfinished somehow. No sky, dull texturing and lighting.

No atmosphere here.

It's a map for "Pro Gamer" which are used to switch to vertex light and picmip5.

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Tech unregistered
#4   30 Nov 2001
Geit ownz!! :) excellent map man. 10 from me
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The Hubster unregistered
#3   30 Nov 2001
... and its about time! Nice texturing and curves mean little to a level which stays on your hard drive.
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Octovus unregistered
#2   29 Nov 2001
Well, another good one from Geit. I think I've written that in just about all his Lvl review threads :-p It's not quite the looker he normally releases, but my system isn't complaining, and it plays as well as ever. Both he and Jax_Gator seem to be moving away from flashy looks and towards really great gameplay, which is nice to see. I do hope I don't offend either of you by the comments or comparisons as I mean it enitrely positive - the looks are still there, there's just a lot more to back it up!


P.S. 9 from me.

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Geit unregistered
#1   30 Nov -0001
Octovus: I moving away from detail :)=-

imo, gameplay is a lot more important than looks..

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