Villain's Village
Villain's Village by {STD}General
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#20   20 Aug 2012
For some reason, this map now makes me think of Pallet Town in Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow. I liked the mine cart that goes around a portion of the village and through a cave, which I thought was cool.

I really wished that there was rain in this map. At least when I play this map with the Annihilation mod I can turn on the rain weather feature and have that. I thought that some of the houses (such as the one up front) weren't capable of being good shelters.

I have missing texture issues with the trees and water. What could be causing this?
Edited 717.64 days after the original posting.

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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#19   07 Jan 2012
I love villages :).
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STDGeneral unregistered
#18   18 Oct 2010
Sorry for the late reply, but I made a lot of Quake 2 maps that I uploaded over at - It's in the "Upload maps instruction" subforum of the Quake forum. My maps were uploaded around Fall 2007, so if you search back in time (bout 5 pages back or so) you can find all of them! Happy fragging :D I kind of wish Q2 were still alive and kickin, i would map like a madman.
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SW12 unregistered
#17   13 Sep 2010
I am mostly. I am really hoping for a Quake II map based on Warhammer 40k DOW. Like having a Space marines stronghold made of scratch as well as a base, And you must hunt down the Chaos forces. A little off topic of Q3 But not for Q2. Where is this site and what other Q3 maps did you make? Suppose you could upload them here?
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STDGeneral unregistered
#16   13 Sep 2010
Wow, talk about nostalgia! I released a few Quake 3 maps, this one being the only one I put on Q3LVL. I made a better "city" one that sadly got lost when my computer crashed. I have a ton of Quake 2 maps if anyone is interested.
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Tig Rep. 1742
#15   17 Jul 2010
Clicking on a mappers name or the 'Maps by Author' link under the screenshot will show all maps submitted by the Author. In this case, {STD}General has only submitted this map.
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SW12 unregistered
#14   16 May 2010
What do you mean by "train"? Does it move?
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Squirrel Boy Plus Candle unregistered
#13   20 Oct 2002
Hey man that was the greatest level i ever played, nice work brO!
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Linux unregistered
#12   15 Oct 2002

i liked the train

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Jackal unregistered
#11   12 Oct 2002
Great level!
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Whiskey 7 unregistered
#10   10 Dec 2001
Hello STD :)

It is not that bad a map really and I enjoyed my time in your world !

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STD unregistered
#9   08 Dec 2001
Thanks for the comments

Someguy, thank you for your pointless criticism. I will not heed it. more maps on the way

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SomeGuy unregistered
#8   07 Dec 2001
This guy has always submitted crap maps. He needs to give it up.
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Octovus unregistered
#7   06 Dec 2001
Formula map? I agree about imagination for sure...just wondering what you meant, seeing as there tends to be lots of variety among worthwhile maps.
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WaSp unregistered
#6   05 Dec 2001
keep at it man.

imagination and potential a plenty here :-_

Just dont sell out and make a formula map.....guaranteed praise.....but its just to easy.

And try and work on your caulking.

good luck :-)

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Mystery8 unregistered
#5   05 Dec 2001
The missing textures were annoying, but overall I liked the map. Especially the train-box thingie.
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Octovus unregistered
#4   05 Dec 2001
Testing, testing, testing, eh? Badmonkey seems to be a bit one way or the other in his reviews lately tho. Oh well.
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nice guy unregistered
#3   04 Dec 2001
its all good man, you always gotta learn from your mistakes.. my first map had the scale way off too, everything was big big.. but now i learned from that..
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std unregistered
#2   04 Dec 2001
damn that was harsh
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xed unregistered
#1   03 Dec 2001
sorry std :(

i don't map anymore, else i'd help you "overhaul" it

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