Sincity rebuilt
Sincity rebuilt by dd SCREAM
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#17   07 Apr 2015
I'd just like to request that this map author would be merged with this one
I think adding all three of his maps to the name "dd sCrEAm" is better, since that's the name he (assuming male) goes by on other sites.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#16   07 Jan 2012
Love playing this map over and over again! Especially Nightmare mode with Hunter, Xaero & Anarki Rockets Only!
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SW12 unregistered
#15   08 May 2010
Is this a variant from Sin City by Jon?
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jhardin unregistered
#14   30 Mar 2001
VERY fun for 2-player DM. The simplistic treatment isn't really noticed when you're concentrating on getting the other guy. A nice, small, simple map.

It's too bad it doesn't also appear on the Tourney map list. -1 for that.

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Hugo unregistered
#13   13 Dec 2000
city maps are the BEST. Those damn gothic maps are evrywhere.u get sick of the dark stupid shit over and over again. why do they get good reveiws when they are just cheap remakes of th ID maps?

Q3 works best with big urban maps. OPEN maps places to dike out players and not run and hide like cowards.CITY MAPS ARE THE BEST FOR Q3 them 1d guys shoildve made city maps instead of that gothic crap.

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not entered unregistered
#12   06 May 2000
what are you talking about. This map rocks. ive never played sin but so what? Its just hardcore action and the bots kick ass on it. I like maps like buildings on it like this. Just for some reason....
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not entered unregistered
#11   07 Apr 2000
pretty sh...y.
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RUZHDAK unregistered
#10   06 Apr 2000
hmm....the map doesnt suit bset in quake3 ,but you may have fun if you play it with the urban warfare mod!!
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lelon unregistered
#9   16 Mar 2000
-1 not in tourney map menu

-1 leak/texure errors (near red armor)

cant say i had a lot of fun on this one. :-( Its not nearly as good as Metro. Too small and not enough nooks and cranies I guess. Item/weapon placement is estranged. A 4 from me. :-(

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Grunt unregistered
#8   23 Feb 2000
I didn't download this. I was thinking about for a while but then I took a nearer look at the screenshot and thought "This one sucks" The other one was better (why make two?)

The Swedish Grunt

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Jim unregistered
#7   16 Feb 2000
I didn't rank this one, but from the screenshot I knew it wouldn't be worth the download.

It kinda reminds me of one of the id Doom II levels (I think it was called "downtown" or something of the like).

Just too bland and way too bright for my tastes. There's a lot more you can do with Q3.

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not entered unregistered
#6   16 Feb 2000
Ok let's see,does it really matter if this was a sin you could make a q3 map just like this...hence the irony of a conversion!It's not like q3 is soooo advanced in gameplay especially to doesn't really matter what the map looks like...I mean come on people do textures,brushes,etc help your gameplay within the map?Let's see,I can still do everything I can in an original q3 map so it doesn't matter!If u don't like it don't download or make it dissapear from hard drive!
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AssBall unregistered
#5   15 Feb 2000
Why don't you make a QUAKE map, and actually do something with lighting.
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Twitchfactor unregistered
#4   14 Feb 2000
Why are there 2 version of this thing?

Didn't we go through this before?

This one's got even worse lighting than the last one.

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Serpico unregistered
#3   14 Feb 2000
I dug this map in rail only with hook mod. Even with bots it was cool. Reminds me of some rail type quake2 maps. Playing this map with the hook makes it extra fun.
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rdwarlock unregistered
#2   14 Feb 2000
pro : good converstion

con : if your going to do conversions... keep it
basic, dont add extras to the map. example
that statue. great... but not in the actual
map, might as well call it your own cause
it ruins the whole feeling. you could also
create the ladder... instead of launch pad.
it is a conversion right? why not actually
make a conversion. none of this annoying
statue crap.

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Kancer unregistered
#1   14 Feb 2000
This level for SiN was fun but it just doesn't feel right with Quake3.
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