Fileplanet shutting down
Started by leilei
leilei Rep. 443
#1   09 May 2012
Is there any map hoarding attempt underway?

Say what you will about fileplanet (LINES ADS LINES ACCOUNTS LINES IGN LINES) but you can't deny it was the popular place to plop a q3 file on in 2000-2002, so if it goes away some q3 mapping history could be lost.

Tig Rep. 2422
#2   09 May 2012
Nothing on ..::LvL will be lost thanks to the MHGaming mirror as well as our own server.

However, for older mods (or ones no long in production) and models, this could be a real issue.

leilei Rep. 443
#3   09 May 2012
The player models are already all saved. mirrors them (thanks to me for hoarding them all including the unreleased ones, lol). The custom SKINS however (for models like grunt), i can't say for sure.

Some mods probably need saving, particularily anything made for pre-1.27g
Edited 2.03 minutes after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2422
#4   10 May 2012
Does anyone know what kind of time frame or date until FilePlanet will be gone?

Also, has been gone for a while now (need to update links on ..::LvL), but where are people getting the CPMA mod from now? What is the full final version?

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#5   10 May 2012
cityy Rep. 433
#6   12 May 2012
Yep, the current version is 1.48 - 1.49 is in developement though.
leilei Rep. 443
#7   12 May 2012
On a positive note, the archive team has grabbed the first 80,000 files.
Edited 24 seconds after the original posting.

Never knew about this, are they shutting down for any particular reason?
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#9   16 May 2012
Awww man Fileplanet is gone :o.
EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#10   17 May 2012
This is unfortunate. FilePlanet has been serving the community for quite a while (since the Quake 2 days), and many people relied on it for their downloads and other gaming-related media. It's surprising to see it go after such a long time. Does anyone know why it is shutting down? Bandwidth reasons, resignation of administrators, etc.? Just curious.
Edited 24 seconds after the original posting.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#11   19 May 2012

Now I can't get that sweet map Jumbo Jet!

Oh well. Couldn't find it there anyway before.

GuitarMan Rep. 569
#12   19 May 2012
Well, a quick visit to displays this message at the top of the page:
Note: FilePlanet is no longer being updated and is in the process of being archived.


Does anyone know what kind of time frame or date until FilePlanet will be gone?

No clue. They don't even post about it on their home page with a date.

@Satan Fang

Never knew about this, are they shutting down for any particular reason?

Business, as usual. That's my guess. They've been around for like 10 years, maybe it's time to call it quits. IGN says they're re-building their whole network.


Awww man Fileplanet is gone :o

Spam comment as usual. Will you ever stop?


Does anyone know why it is shutting down?

Dunno, man. Mostly sure it's business as usual. Even Filefront had problems charging for their service.
Edited 44 seconds after the original posting.

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