Favorite Weapon?
Started by FragTastic
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#1   05 Jan 2012
Rocket Launcher & Railgun. Mostly Rocket Launcher because of Rocket Jumps, Rocket Wall Jumps & Long Range Shots!.. I have some memorable moments wit the Rocket Launcher..
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#2   05 Jan 2012
Each weapon has a different function and different strengths in different situations. Your question is like asking 'What's your favorite tool... a hammer or a screw-driver?'. Personally though I tend to use the LG the most on tighter maps and RL+RG combos on more open maps.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#3   06 Jan 2012
Rocket Launcher & Railgun are the best!
CZghost Rep. 1799
#4   24 Jan 2012
My favourite weapons are RL, GL, SG and BFG. In TA also CG and NG.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#5   25 Jan 2012
Oh Yeah! I forgot to say BFG!
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#6   25 Jan 2012
In Multiplayer Matches, I am most deadly with shotguns and rockets.

Sometimes, I even get some frags with the gantlet.

Lightning Gun is cool too.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#7   26 Jan 2012
Gauntlet is most difficult to use online! There are many experienced players and will do anything to frag you
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#8   27 Jan 2012
I have scored MANY players online with the Gauntlet. I have had more kills with that than with the Machinegun.

Of course, the Machinegun takes A LOT of hits to kill. Whereas with the Gauntlet takes far fewer hits.

Edited 913 days after the original posting.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#9   28 Jan 2012
The Gauntlet takes lots of skill to use at the right time :). I am brilliant with Gauntlet but im just not bothered to use it.
MOON Rep. 0
#10   28 Jan 2012
I would say that the weapons that I use the most would be the rocket launcher and the railgun, I especially like using the gauntlet when I am trying to preform mid air kills, an example would be when I shoot Xaero up in the air with a rocket launcher, I launch my self up after him and land a death blow with the gauntlet, I preform kills like that alot!

Honestly I feel that nightmare bots have gotton way to easy for me so I have decided a while ago to play in CPMA with level 100 bots, they beat me occasionally, but overall it is fun.

The machine gun is a great weapon when trying to finish someone off especially after delivering a critical blow with either the rocket launcher or the railgun, I hope every has just as much fun doing this, quake 3 arena honestly beats every other game in skill.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#11   28 Jan 2012
Rocket Launcher and Railgun FTW!
Alexje60 Rep. 72
#12   12 Feb 2012
I love the railgun and I got very high skills XD
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#13   13 Feb 2012
@FistMarine: Those are mine to :). With Rocket Launcher, I can jump incredibly high using Rocket Jump and also I have very good skill with Rocket Jumping. Railgun is my top skill on Q3. Just one single shot and boom the person is dead. I also love playing Instagib on my server online. It's jut so enjoyable. Plus Rail Jumps I am very good at to :).
Kyall Rep. 477
#14   11 Mar 2012
On an LAN game, Railgun or Rocket Launcher. Online, Rocket Launcher or Lightning Gun, because the server is usually to laggy for accurate railing.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#15   11 Mar 2012
@Kyall: Yes! Your right about lagging with Railgun. I only use Railgun for the Instagib mod online it's real fun :). Other than that, Nice weapon choice :)
Kyall Rep. 477
#16   12 Mar 2012
@FragTastic: Thank you :D. By the way, do you mind me asking what the mod Instagib does?
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#17   13 Mar 2012
@Kyall: Hey No problem :). Instagib is a Railgun mod which allows unlimited Rail slugs and also allows you to Rail jump, Wall jump etc.. It's real fun :).
Lightning Gun, because it looks cool and you can piss people off with it.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#19   15 Mar 2012
@Satan Fang: Haha! your right :). It does piss people off and I hate it when I use Hunter as a bot on Nightmare mode when she uses the Lightning Gun on me. It is just annoying.
Yeah, I love it when everyone gets annoyed and says "lightning whore" and start whining about how bad people are and that noobs and losers use the LG because it's easy to handle. Which is a load of bullshit.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#21   18 Mar 2012
@Satan Fang: Haha! yeah :).
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#22   12 Apr 2012
Someone ought to make a mod that includes a gun that drains the life out of someone else and gives you health in turn. Now that would be my kind of gun! Both defensive and offensive!

I got the idea from a grass move in Pokemon called "Leech Seed". One of my most favorite moves.

Takkie Rep. 1868
#23   12 Apr 2012
A gun that drains the life and gives it to the attacker.
Hmm, that was included in the 'eternal arena' mod by Corven... years ago.
It was in the Vampire gametype if i remember correctly.
There must be a version of that mod out there somewhere...
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#24   13 Apr 2012
@Takkie: Yep, EA was one of my favorite mods back then, vampire especially (max health of 10000 ftw!). The problem is that vampire was buggy - the game would sometimes register that you have no health but wouldn't kill you, sometimes rendering you invulnerable to anything lol. This bug was an even bigger problem in CTF - if you fragged a flag carrier and the bug took effect, the flag wouldn't be dropped or respawned so the entire match was screwed. I've got perfectly functional vampire code but it's in a mod that isn't ready for release yet, but I'll probably just code it into vanilla Q3 later and upload it.

Anyway, since you can't get this anywhere on the net these days I uploaded EA 4.7 - the best version there ever was imo. www.mediafire.com/

I've also got 5.7, 5.8, 6.0 and Eternal Team Arena 1.2 if anyone wants.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#25   16 Apr 2012
What I meant was a ranged weapon that could drain the life out of an opponent continuously as the gun is fired.

I tried out some mods for this and still am not fully satisfied.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#26   17 May 2012
@themuffinator: ETA ?!... Sounds interesting :).

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