Hi there. I'm trying to understand reputation changes. When I get notified about changes in my rep, I expect to see the source of the change under "Recent reputation". However, this does not seem to be the case. If someone gives me a +10 in a comment which already has reputation, it does not show up in recent changes. Or does it? It seems it doesn't to me. To test it, I gave Tig a +10 from a comment that had no reputation (
lvlworld.com/comments/id:8), and +10 to one which had reputation (
lvlworld.com/comments/id:2378). As you can check in
lvlworld.com/member/id:1, it only shows the former but not the later.
Is this default behaviour? Is that intended behaviour? It would be more useful imo if all recent changes are reflected.
Edited 1.5 minutes after the original posting.