Level Up!
Started by themuffinator
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#1   05 Jan 2021
Got an idea to create a community brainstorm mod!
The idea is that folks can comment here with crazy ideas for what they'd like to see in the game, and if the ideas are feasible in a mod and don't require a ton of development time to implement (or if someone is willing to put in the time), it goes in the mod!

Right now I've created a baseq3e fork here: github.com/themuffinator/levelup
Any takers?

Tig Rep. 2442
#2   05 Jan 2021
In game entity editing. So, you can grab a weapon or ammo or power up and move it. You can also add a new item if you like or remove them too.
Takkie Rep. 1868
#3   05 Jan 2021
+1 fot Tig's idea. And that you can save the level as a .bsp so you can play it (without the mod) in other mods like TA or cpma.
T1) NoTeam ctf.
Your objective is to obtain both flags as a player.
T2) As a player you can only carry one weapon.
The weapons stay on the map after pickup (delay time for respawn weapons = 0).
You can drop the weapon you carry to pickup an other (better) weapon.
Both ideas above can be in the same mod as Tig's idea because for both a different item layout can be important.
Edited 5.1 days after the original posting.
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#4   05 Jan 2021
Entity Editor:
That one's been on my to-do list for a while now. It's a big project to get working intuitively in-game and probably involves a modded source port. It would rely on dumping and loading entity overrides, which can already be done with my source port I mentioned in another thread. (which supports most mods): www.dropbox.com/s/...nlqk/ioq3pp.zip
sv_entlist_dump 2
sv_entlist_load 1
You can then edit the .ent ascii file created in your maps folder. You can simply map_restart while in-game to instantly apply any changes. I'll still have a crack at the in-game editor but there's no guarantees it's going to work.
No Team CTF, weapon carry limit, weapons stay, weapon dropping
Easy, will be done
raspatan Rep. 4690
#5   05 Jan 2021
I once sent an email to ID Software (naively) with ideas for the next Quake. I copy them below:

Two new guns:

  • a teledirected rocket launcher. Same as current rocket launcher, but adding a new firing mode: right click mouse allows for directing the rocket moving the mouse. A camera follows the rocket in first person. The player cannot move in the meantime, and a sign above the player head indicates she is directing the rocket.
  • mines stuck to some places. Low damage but can be placed for instance to protect a key item.
Gameplay innovations:
  • a must innovation is the possibility for wall jumping. That is, jump into a wall and though some special movement, jump upwards or sideways. This is very simple but will add so much mobility to the game. Defrag and CPMA people will be delighted too!
  • fired ammo are real objects that can be countered with other ammo. For instance, you can shoot a rocket or grenade and made it explode before it reaches target.
  • a portable teleport, like in the game Portal. It takes you to random map location. Cool for escaping. The key however is that it lasts some seconds open so you can be followed. That is the key difference with the T item currently available.
  • a special mode where there is no up or down. There is gravity but essentially every wall is a floor! The dynamic added by this, with custom maps designed purposely for it, would be so huge....
  • AI that learns. Forget classic, static AI. That's the past. Now AI must learn from players.
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#6   06 Jan 2021
Added a functional No-Team CTF (g_gametype 5): github.com/themuff...7eaed437d8b212c

For the sake of versioning and not releasing a new build every time something is added, we'll go on a 10 ideas per version rule. So this is 1/10.

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#7   06 Jan 2021
New Weapons
First one sounds very Unreal Tournament ala-Redeemer! An interesting idea, I'll see what I can do.
Second one is the Prox mine launcher from Team Arena?


  • Wall jumping... I'll probably be lazy and port code from Unvanquished.
  • Shootable projectiles... also very Unreal-like! Alright.
  • So essentially it's the unused Portal item from Team Arena?
  • the bot AI technically does learn, although it isn't really stored/archived to continually improve across matches etc.. It's bound to involve source port modding and I'm probably not nearly skilled enough to attempt dabbling in AI. That would be interesting to see though, especially if its learning is stored in a cloud from many different players/servers.
Takkie Rep. 1868
#8   06 Jan 2021

Hack deepmind and steal their bots?
Shootable projectiles are in the SlugRock mod: github.com/Takkie/SlugRock
1/10 cool 😊

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#9   06 Jan 2021
The staple of old-school FFA - weapons stay mode (dmflags & 4) added: github.com/themuff...becf164db664fbe
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#10   06 Jan 2021
Weapon Carry Limit: github.com/themuff...1d9c82d51a6125b
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#11   06 Jan 2021
Added cvar to change starting weapons, which is bound to come in handy alongside the other changes: github.com/themuff...68cc1750398a080
Takkie Rep. 1868
#12   06 Jan 2021
T3) A 'minimode' where the players (and weapons) are 1/3 of their normal size (including the hitbox). Game physics are the same as if the players were normal sized except for the players speed: x1. 5 (x2).
A certain sense of hysteria might be appropriate in this mode.
Might be cool, especially as instagib with the railgun reload time halved...
With everything smaller and quicker, jumping around like tiny supermen is good for target practice and you can have more players/bots in a level. Might even be needed to expand the bot selection menu.
Edited 2.38 hours after the original posting.
Edited 2.39 hours after the original posting.
Edited 4.7 days after the original posting.
Takkie Rep. 1868
#13   06 Jan 2021
Another idea for TDM and CTF.
T4) I call it 'soulmates'.
When a player of a team picks up a weapon or item, all players of that team automatically receive the item/weapon too.
This goes for weapons, health, armour and also power ups. By picking up health, you can heal your teammates. A megahealth is so much more valuable. And for powerups if 1 player of the blue team picks up the quad, all players on the blue team have the quad. In order to take over control of the quad the red team needs to frag the player that picked up the original quad. Then it will be dropped as a single quad. If another player of the blue team with the quad gets fragged nothing will drop.
This works the same in ctf, except for the flag. There will only be one flag per team and there is only one flag carrier per team.
This should be doable and it just might change tactics for TDM and ctf significantly.
Edited 4.6 days after the original posting.
Takkie Rep. 1868
#14   07 Jan 2021
A different idea:
T5) The 'survey' mode. With this setting you can only play vanilla q3 but while playing (and/or at the end of a match) you can answer a few questions about the map (or rate a few characteristics of the map)
These answers will be stored in a small file wich you can upload to ..::LvL and it will 'automatically' added to the map information on ..::LvL. (perhaps if you play with an internet connection you can send the info ingame to ..::LvL firectly).
It is just a brainstorm idea and you'll need Tig at your side... but by doing this it might be possible to quickly 'rate' a map on a few characteristics like: atmosphere, detail layout, texturing, item placement, replay value and keeper (y/n).
Edited 3.87 days after the original posting.
Tig Rep. 2442
#15   07 Jan 2021
We could support the survey mode if someone want to code it up. Would need the BSP name, a user name and the comment in JSON. If the comment is the be linked to a members ..::LvL account, we would need another value to be passed too.
EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#16   07 Jan 2021
CTF with Neutral Team: This isn't my own idea, but rather is taken from the Dissolution of Eternity mission pack for the original Quake. In DOE there were three CTF modes included for multiplayer - classic CTF, one flag CTF, and a 3-team CTF mode. However, unlike some takes on 3-team CTF, where the third team operates exactly like the others with their own base and needing different maps, this type of 3-team CTF takes place on regular 2-team CTF maps. The third "team" is a "neutral team" consisting of player using regular player skins rather than team skins, and they spawn in at the respawn points of either team. The neutral team has no flag of their own, but they can grab either flag, and in order to capture they must bring whatever flag they have to the opposite team's flag base (so if a neutral player grabs the red flag, they take it to the blue flag stand, and vice versa). Blue and Red teams still play by their usual rules, except now they have to fight off a third team as well.

Boss Battle: A round-based game mode like Clan Arena, with no items and starting with all weapons, except it's one overpowered player, the "boss", versus multiple, regular-strength players. The boss's starting health is equal to 100 x the number of players opposing them, and they may have other additions to give them an edge against being outnumbered, such as greater speed, higher damage output, etc. Would need quite a bit of fine-tuning to be balanced, but would also be quite fun too.

Follow the Leader: A round-based, team game mode that's sort of an assisted duel. One player on each team is designated the "leader" (exact mechanics behind who gets chosen are left to the reader). A team only scores if their leader frags the other team's leader - a non-leader player fragging the opposing team's leader doesn't count, and neither does the leader fragging a non-leader player on the other team. This encourages teams to stick closely together with their leader and ensure their survival, while also requiring the leader to actively seek the other leader so they can score.

Timeskip: A trollsy idea for a power-up that basically makes lag into a game mechanic (sort of). From the perspective of the player using this power-up, the game will operate normally and smoothly. From the perspective of other players, however, it will look like the power-up wielder is warping/lagging due to high ping, causing them to "skip" over the place and making them harder to hit.

Some of these ideas we discussed on Discord (wonder if that was the inspiration, hehe) too.

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#17   07 Jan 2021
A lot of interesting ideas and most would be fairly simple to add.

Uploading to LvL likely involves a modded source port as I can't think of any system call that would serve that function.

I'd imagine minimode would let you jump as height as you do regularly? Otherwise there would be some serious struggles getting around the map... unless everyone had a jetpack!

Takkie Rep. 1868
#18   07 Jan 2021
@muffinator minimode with regular jump
height, yes. Those miniature players have superpowers :)
And neutral ctf, that is an amazing idea.
Edited 1.42 minutes after the original posting.
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#19   08 Jan 2021
Alright alright!

Added wall jumping (use pmove_wallJump 1 to enable), works consistently but could use tweaking/balancing.
Added very basic framework for Redeemer weapon... right now just an OP RL.
Added shootable projectiles (thanks Takkie and original code guy), but I'm not entirely happy with it... can't seem to use direct hits/hitscan to detonate projectiles, only splash damage so far.

7/10, kinda.
Edited 4.42 minutes after the original posting.

Takkie Rep. 1868
#20   08 Jan 2021
@themuffinator can't wait to test it out but no rush we're hardly going anywhere.
So without any pressure here is a new idea ;)
T6) It's a game mode and it could work for all gametypes (ffa, tourney, team and ctf)
I call it 'AlterEgo'.
Before a match you select an alterego. Example your normal look is Crash and as alterego you select Anarki.
In game you can switch between crash and anarki. Their item inventory, health and armour are not connected. Only powerups like quad, regen and the flag stay when you switch between ego's. (does this make sense?) Example:
You enter the arena as crash, you pick up a plasma gun and after a small combat your health has dropped to 50. With the press of a button you become anarki. As anarki you still only have the machine gun but your health is 100. On your way through the arena you pick up a railgun as anarki and right there you find 50 health so quickly you switch to crash pick up 50 health (your crash ego is 100 health now) and switch back to anarki ready with the railgun.
If one of your ego's gets fragged you automatically switch to the other one and have to play that with that one until it is fragged too. Then you can play both of them again.
The switching between the ego's can be visualized with the teleport effect.
In this gamemode you can immediately take revenge as your alter ego, or when your alterego is also on low health it gets fragged right away...
As mentioned earlier when you carry a flag or quad it will be dropped when you get fragged but your alterego will immediately pick it up when it spawns in.
When you fall in the void or die in lava it will cost you one ego and you will respawn with the alterego, or if your alterego was already fragged you have both of them again...
Perhaps it can be nice to display the health and armour count of your alterego (in a smaller font) in the hud. Or maybe not and you just need to use your memory or switch to find out if you forgot...
Edited 2.56 days after the original posting.
raspatan Rep. 4690
#21   09 Jan 2021
@themuffinator Amazing work!!! I'm looking forward to try it out, including the wall jumping setting! Parkour on Q3! Is Levelup a new mod or a new game? Would it run in ioq3?
no rush we're hardly going anywhere
So sadly true :(
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#22   09 Jan 2021
I have some ideas but I'm not certain if all of them can be implemented.
-Shields and Armor system with weapons that have strengths and weaknesses to them like a "Rock, Paper, Scissors" system. Phased Polaron Beams ignore shields, Shard Cannons (shoot powerful crystals) ignore armor, and maybe some weapons that ignore both but have a long reload time and have little ammo. I was making a FPS in Unreal Engine 4 with this idea but lost my motivation working on it last Spring.

-NPC's like in Star Wars Jedi Academy. HUNT mod has monsters that spawn in Co-Op modes and UT2004 has Invasion mode, but I'd like to be able to spawn friendly, hostile, and neutral NPC's like in Jedi Academy when I'm just messing around having fun (would be really fun in one of my custom maps). Would like to have more monster options than just the ones featured in HUNT, maybe a monster that uses a weapon of the player's choosing via options?

-Another game for CTF maps where instead of a flag it'd be similar to Overload from Team Arena that replaces the flags with a structure each team has to protect. Maybe make it so when destroyed it explodes like a Kamikaze from TA?

-Piggyback on the HUNT mod how they have the monster launcher in non-coop modes, but make it so you can spawn other kinds of monsters like Guards and Titans for maximum hilarity!

-Vehicles that replace certain items (maybe of the players choosing as a menu option). Annihilation had motorcycles and turrets, so I know Q3A can handle vehicles.

-Weather mode; Annihilation had a menu option that made it so it either had clear weather, was raining, or snowing. The rain in that mod actually impacted on the surface, which was cool except the water oozed rather than fell realistically (think the storm ability from SuperHeroes Arena)
-Team Fortress Co-Op like in Quake 1. Think Hunt's STU mode but with TF's classes. Maybe that's too much? IDK.
-Bolters from Warhammer 40,000 (fire explosive rounds) or lasguns (photon laser rifles)
-Phased Polaron Beams from Star Trek (shoot blue beams that can ignore shields)
-Crystalline Weapons from Space Empires (ignore armor)
-Lightsabers from Star Wars (weapon that can melt through metal and deflect plasma bolts)
-Blasters from Star Wars
-Phasers from Star Trek
-Psychic or Magic powers

If I knew how to make mods for Quake 3, I wouldn't bother asking anyone else to do it. Now that I know how to make maps of my own, I no longer bug other people about my custom map ideas when I can do them myself.

Takkie Rep. 1868
#23   09 Jan 2021
@SW12 & @muffinator on github there is a Hunt version for quake3e. There is also a folder with the compiled mod for quake3e.
Perhaps useful?
Takkie Rep. 1868
#24   10 Jan 2021
no rush we're hardly going anywhere
So sadly true :(

Haha, but actually it is great being here.
OK back to the topic.
Here is another idea:
T7) A new game type that just needs coding and perhaps adding some stuff to the hud and/or scoreboard.
Instead of fragging you must complete little missions.
For now I'll give a couple of mission suggestion but if it will be in the mod we could do a brainstorm for different (types) of missions.
When you enter the arena you get a mission wich you can accept or reject. When you reject you get an alternative mission.
If you complete a mission you get a point (or 2 if may depend on the difficulty of the mission)
Mission examples:
-Frag 2 players with lightninggun
(you may recieve the weapon at start of the mission or you might need to pick it up first from its spawn point)
-Frag a someone using 3 different weapons
-Frag 4 consecutive opponents with quad
(at start of mission you get the quad)
-Stay alive for 60 sec. without picking up health (at mission start your health is 35)
-move (walk/run) 2000 units without losing health or shooting.
  • pick up 80 shells...
  • frag bones 2 times in a row
-get fragged and be the first to frag the player that fragged you (revenge}
You can make "conflicting" missions like:
-prevent the quad from being picked up and one or more other players have the mission, obtain the quad.
-drown yourself and an opponent has as mission: frag someone in the water
Missions can be map dependable.
In ctf maps you can involve the flag in missions or certain areas. For example: frag 3 players in the red base...
If there is lava: a player gets the bfg and the mission: prevent anybody from jumping in the lava.
You can make silly missions, very difficult missions, simple missions, missions where you need to know where certain items in the map are, timed missions, co-op missions...
If this sounds interesting it might be cool to implement missions through a script so you can add missions after the mod is released/compiled. A bit like the chat scripts for the bots where certain parts are pre-programmed and other can be random picked from a list or can be specified (or map dependent).
For in-game clarity:
In the hud you can see your mission description and perhaps (toggle on/off) you can see the other missions in progress.
I think there are a lot of possibilities here.
We could even make room for some way of sharing mission scripts with each other... OK now I am pushing it....
Oh wait for certain missions it may be fun to adjust the way a weapon works. For example a mission where you need to 'tag' an opponent with the railgun first and then you need to frag it with rocket launcher within 30 sec. A nice touch can be that the 'tagged' player receives the message 'you have been tagged' and then sees a 30 sec countdown...
Or frag 3 players with the grenade launcher and the gl 's firing rate is much higher and you can fire much more grenades.
OK I think you all can get the idea... right?
Edited 13.8 hours after the original posting.
Takkie Rep. 1868
#25   11 Jan 2021
Because of me spamming this thread with ideas I started to number them.
This is:
T8) "Personal Overload"
Every player has a little obelisk and at the start of a match you have 30 sec. to place your obelisk.
Then the game begins and the objective is to destroy the obelisk of other players and defend your own. Server can set obelisk strength (default 1000?).
You score when you destroy an obelisk. If your obelisk is destroyed you have 30 sec to set it up again. Those 30 sec. you are in spectator mode and you cannot score. I think you shouldn't get a penalty (or negative score) when your obelisk gets destroyed, the time penalty would be enough. And this allows a more aggressive approach to the game. In the hud you can see the strength of your obelisk.
This can also work in TDM where every player has his own obelisk. As a team you could choose to have the obelisks near each other and have two defenders while the rest of the team is attacking or you could choose to have the obelisks scattered around. In ctf it would be a mix, main objective: capture the flag. But every player has an obelisk and if it gets destroyed there will be the 30 sec penalty. Which in ctf can be uh, problematic. And not to forget, when you get fragged you just respawn like normal and that can be annoying enough (even without a penalty or score for the fragger) because you need to reposition yourself....
I hope I am not harassing anyone with my ideas... It is just when I write one done a couple of hours later something new pops up.
For the obelisk the armor model can be usedwith the tinfx shader to make it look like a glass armor. When you aim at it the players name (from who the obelisk belongs to) appears. For team games the obelisk can have a blue/red glass shader.
Edited 4.23 days after the original posting.
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#26   11 Jan 2021
Great ideas. You're doing well Takkie! I get a bit crazy in brainstorm sessions too so I understand fully, but this is good!

Alot to run through. Just a few thoughts:

  • if anyone can contribute, please do - especially on the modelling front as I don't usually have the patience for that.
  • weather effects are complicated, and if we're talking dynamic we need a new renderer and specialized maps
  • NPC's are probably a lot of work to get right (and asset creation is a thing, too), so I'd focus that effort in my main project.
  • vehicles - maybe, if I can port some code and models from somewhere. Then again, it's something reliant on suitable maps so unless we're driving a moped around dm7 I can't see it working without maps made.
The rest seem mostly doable. Once again, contribute if you have any ability to code or generate assets/maps that could help achieve each feature request. I have a bunch of other projects going at the same time so not always going to be working on this.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#27   11 Jan 2021
I know how to make custom maps and know how to use Autodesk Softimage 7.5, but I've never made models with Blender or attempted to make custom mods for Q3A yet. I could start learning now that all this talk about this is getting me motivated, though I personally would want to make a Warhammer 40k mod since W40k lacks a good FPS (seriously, Fire Warrior could easily have been made better).

If you know how to make your own mods, do you think you could show us a tutorial that is good on helping aspiring modders on how to begin? I'm looking at this one gregs-blog.com/200...ke-3-arena-mod/, but don't know if I should use Greg's "managed C++ .NET port with VS 2008 project files" or the original Id Software code with VS 2003 project files.
Edited 11.88 minutes after the original posting.

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#28   11 Jan 2021
@SW12: Code3Arena was hugely helpful to a number of modders back in the day:
Alot of those are really basic but give you a great foundation for future modding.

There were a few other sites but I can't remember their names and would need to trawl through archives for them as they probably no longer exist.

Takkie Rep. 1868
#29   11 Jan 2021
I am not a coder and unfortunately I won't be able to map until summer (because of my job). I will be able to do additional scripting (if necessary, like missions for example) , keep track of features implemented and do some general (background) documentation for the mod.
Also beta testing, providing feedback and pumping out more ideas....
Takkie Rep. 1868
#30   11 Jan 2021
@muffinator glad to know you like my brainstorm.
So here's another idea
T9) "one of us"
A new game type, a crossover between ffa and TDM. It is a bit weird to explain. But the concept is quite easy... (imo)
It starts as a ffa match. 'round 1'
Let's say a game with four players using the skins of: crash, sorlag anarki and doom.
Sorlag frags crash. Crash then respawns as Sorlag. So now in the game there are 2 players looking like sorlag. They cannot frag each other, they are now team sorlag.
In the mean time anarki fragged doom and doom respawns looking like anarki, so now we also have a team anarki.
This continues until everybody is on the same team and then the 'round' restarts.
The scoring is individual! A frag is one point and in the end it doesn't matter what the winning skin is.
The dynamics will be quite different. At some point everybody is trying to frag that one player but if that hunted player frags somebody, then the game may just turn around and a few moments later somebody else is the last player left to frag.
Important is that at there is always a visual difference between the players you can and cannot frag. In my example I used the skins to distinct teams, adding a cvar to use the colored cpma skins for this may be sensible.
At the beginning you can set a timelimit a fraglimit and/or a roundlimit.
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