..::LvL website layout feedback
HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#31   07 Oct 2019
Thanks for the additional bookmark options Tig. As you may have noticed I have already started taking advantage of the feature. if only a few people would ever use a note system it might not be worth doing it in the end
raspatan Rep. 4690
#32   03 Jun 2021
May I use this thread to make another suggestion? The site could make some use of sorting features. It already comes with some default sorting, for example, in Top maps, or in Timeline. But if you search all CTF maps for instance (lvlworld.com/ctf), they come in no apparent order. There you could add a sorting mechanism, for instance: by votes, by downloads, by date, etc...
Similarly, I would like to order my votes from highest to lowest. For instance, I might be looking for a map that I gave a 3, and ordering them would help me A LOT.
Those are two examples but surely it can be implemented in other cases too.
PD: used the Forum search feature to find this thread :)
Edited 39 seconds after the original posting.
Tig Rep. 2452
#33   03 Jun 2021
@raspatan this is something that is well overdue.

Currently thinking is a "sort" page with a number of filter options. Basically, you could select (as an example):

  • Game mode (All or one option)
  • Sort order (Votes, Downloads, Comments, Date added, etc)
I'll look at adding a sort option to the member section too.
raspatan Rep. 4690
#34   04 Jun 2021
@Tig That sounds like all we need! You seem to already have some sorting mechanism at work also in the stats page (lvlworld.com/stats) (which btw is not llisted in the menu). Perhaps that page becomes redundant once you introduce a sorting mechanism.
Mapsking Rep. 402
#35   10 Jun 2021
Not to state the obvious, but I noticed it wasn't mentioned, but a way to sort the maps alphabetically would help a lot too, as there is no noticeable way to do that.
richoi Rep. 90
#36   11 Jun 2021
also, sorting the list of mods, if possible, would be nice
Tig Rep. 2452
#37   11 Jun 2021
@Mapsking : Map title sorting is available now - lvlworld.com/titles - and includes jump points. Only issue is maps that start with "The" will be found under "T".

@richoi : The mods can be sorted already. I spent a lot of time working on integrating that feature, maybe I hide it and need to make a page for it all. You can sort A to Z, Z to A, New to Old (default, as in "reviewed"). You can also click a "type" under the heading and filter just that game type. Here is a sample link for Z to A sorting, with type of "Teams" - lvlworld.com/mods/z2a/tag:3

richoi Rep. 90
#38   12 Jun 2021
@Tig: thank you, very nice. apologies for not noticing.
Mapsking Rep. 402
#39   13 Jun 2021
I never actually noticed the Map Title option before. However, it seems like it has limited usefulness. For example, if you know a specific map, you can just type it in. However, if you look at something like Browse>Trending, Menu>Timeline, or really any other tag, there is no obvious way to sort them alphabetically.
Tig Rep. 2452
#40   13 Jun 2021
@Mapsking : Trending is sorted by "what is trending", with the most "trending" listing first and the least trending last. Timeline is exactly the same, but based on date added.

Adding a title sort to either of these two examples would give the sames results as the Title browse page and make the "trending" or the "timeline" feature irrelevant. Basically, you can not sort on trending and title, or timeline and title at the same time. They are mutually exclusive.

One really good thing from this discussion is that someone is at least looking at the trending feature. I was looking at removing it for the new filter option (when it is done).

leilei Rep. 443
#41   14 Jul 2021
5P4M errors whenever I comment.
Tig Rep. 2452
#42   14 Jul 2021
@leilei : That means your IP has been reported as posting spam somewhere on the internet.

Can you check what the output of www.stopforumspam.com/api is? After you click that link, you will need to edit YOUR_IP_HERE to your IP.

What you do not want to see is a high confidence value. If you do, please let me know what it is.

Tig Rep. 2452
#43   22 Jul 2021
@leilei : Some changes have taken place in the background. You should be able to leave comments now. If you do have an issue, please let me know.
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