Atrocity is an oldy but hektik i played yesterday for the first time and had a blast!
also those PK3s are not the originals but are repacks. Repacks are evil due to CRC checksum reasons
Edited 49 seconds after the original posting.
A small number of maps have gone up in the past that have not been submitted by the author. For most of them there has not been an issue, but there has been the odd minor issue with some too. Mostly it has been a surprise to the author to find their work listed when they did not send it in.
BTW, I have no issue with you listing maps you have found that are not on ..::LvL.
On the other hand, if I was a map author who got a ton of angry emails for submitting a map of mine that wasn't well received, I would probably be more than unhappy with whoever submitted it. For example, there are map authors who have submitted maps on here like ENTE for example, who submitted a ton of his (assuming male) maps to here. Some of his maps remain on Worldspawn, and he probably doesn't want them submitted here because some of them...cough adultshop cough...aren't really ..::LvL material, even though in the past we've had rejectable maps that are still listed.
The only problem with contacting the authors of maps that were made in the 2000's and especially 1999 is its likely that they are no longer teenage map makers, and are now in their late 30's and off to greener pastures. Their websites and emails that we used to be able to contact them with, are likely dead now.
P.S.- Does anyone know the real reason why map-factory is gone? I'm guessing they got in trouble for too many "authors" like Benjamin Pulido submitting copyrighted content, but I heard they had some technical difficulty:
Edited 37 days after the original posting.
Edited 3.25 hours after the original posting.
If we are making suggestions for additions, we should add in additions for any archives of custom sound, textures, and models files that could spice up new maps. As Takkie mentioned "There are a few (slowly decreasing) amount of map-database/pubs that offer download support for q3 maps". Resources can be tough to come by, so if people also post new resource material links and not just new map posts, it could be very useful for us here. Most of us here at least dabble in map making dont we?
Edited 34.45 minutes after the original posting.
Edited 1.23 minutes after the original posting.
For example I need to have seamless texture of certain roof, but no seamless texture for that type was available, so I made one myself using photo resource...
Here is a lovely map by Castle: genq1dm1
IMO one of his best:
a great remake
Edited 2.25 minutes after the original posting.
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