Hey guys, I'm back!
Started by FistMarine
FistMarine Rep. 2532
#1   11 Aug 2014
Hi everyone! It's me, FistMarine! I know some time ago I wanted to be removed from site (I don't remember reason, maybe I was bored) but I regret what I did. Anyway Tig was nice enough to restore my account (though the posts are still removed), so now here I am. I am interested again in custom maps for Quake games and unlike years ago, now I have original copies of Doom and Quake games from eBay (Thanks FragTastic for the suggestion!) - before I only had original copies of Quake 2 and Quake 4 that were bought from local store. Well, I'm not going deeper into story, so that's all I have to say for now. :)
Tig Rep. 2452
#2   11 Aug 2014
As to your idea of recording gameplay demos for maps. That is more than welcome, especially for maps like those from sst13 that contain a complex feature or secret. I'll add them as a zip file download to the review. Alternatively, if you make them into a video, upload them to YouTube (or somewhere else) and I'll link to that instead (or both options).

For your comments, I'll look into restore options for them - if you want me to try and restore them that is. Let me know what you want to do about them.

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#3   11 Aug 2014
Heh... you could have bought the complete Quake pack on Steam for US$30.

It would be great to have a site with maps and mods for all Quakes, given that there are so few Q1/Q2/Q4 sites remaining today and they're mostly pretty terrible in quality/quantity... luckily Q3 is still alive thanks to LvL and Worldspawn Archive - but these are just for maps. If I could find all the content from (now defunct) PlanetQuake I'd consider putting my terrible lack of HTML/PHP skills to use and getting something started.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#4   11 Aug 2014
Muffin, I want to add also some tutorials and other stuff in my websites, making it also downloadable for offline. Maps, models, Radiant and mapping tutorials. First steps in Radiant and mapper's challege as how to make good map that is fun to play, including some external tuts by various authors (for example Pat's Fundamentals of Gameplay)...

Muffin, I will include your sites on my links if you want to make them :)

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#5   11 Aug 2014
Welcome back FistMarine. Not sure exactly why you wanted to be removed. Most people who stop coming here just leave their profiles here for anybody who wants to read what they posted (except Steinecke, who got banned over 13 years ago)

I noticed the old crowd of people who used to post back before 2007 is mostly gone. I suppose they are playing the newer games now, or their lives got real busy. But I still think that Quake III has a lot going for it even now. I bet Call of Duty got it's Humiliation award idea from Quake III (for whenever you get a melee kill).

That aside, I know this probably should be on its own thread, but I like the idea of people submitting demos for maps. I have made demos for some custom maps, but I don't really have the spare time now to edit them and all as I used to. This summer has been real hectic for me and I'll probably be really busy starting September so I hope someone else will be able to do this.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#6   12 Aug 2014
I will be busy as well, cuz school will deny any projects I am running now... Well, I might make some testing maps, will continue in mapping and developing of CZQ3DM1 - now in alpha 3 version, just as I heal the Radiant's butt.
FistMarine Rep. 2532
#7   12 Aug 2014
Thanks for replies!

@Tig, I will record demos of most maps from this site but I don't know where to start: Should I start with older maps (by filtering by date and downloading older maps) or with the most high quality ones?

@themuffinator, I think there is a site called Wayback Machine which has archived pages. I tried some now defunct websites with Wayback Machine and I managed to find saved pages from older years. You can even see an archive of this site as well. And popular sites such as YouTube to see how YT used to look in early years, good times.

@SW12, I think I wanted to be removed from other sites as well and I requested admins to remove me...only to come back a year later. I don't know why I did this and not just left profile as it was but now I'm back and I will never do this again.

@CZghost I will be busy with school too in next month (I will start grade 12, the final year of High School, which has those nasty exams at end of it, so I must learn a lot). So I think I will start to record demos probably next year. Here is what will my demos contain:

-Skirmish match against bots on Hardcore skill
-Fraglimit and Timelimit will be same as the map gives me
-Same goes to the bots
-If bots aren't selected, either I will randomly choose one or ask here for a suggestion of a bot
-The match MUST be won on first place, otherwise I will redo the map and cut the fail part
-Demo will be named "mapname.dm_68" or "fm_mapname.dm_68". Let me know which name you like better: The same name as mapname or with added "fm_" at start to see that I did demo?

What do you guys think about that? Do you like my suggestions?

Tig Rep. 2452
#8   13 Aug 2014
Some maps simply do not need a demo, others could benefit from having one.

Personally, I would start with the maps that have something unique or challenging about them. For example, how to reach or unlock the secrets in sst13 maps - lvlworld.com/author/sst13 - or how to do certain tricks in maps like those of NaturalSpringWater - lvlworld.com/autho...uralSpringWater

You could also focus the on the popular maps - lvlworld.com/popularmaps - or the most downloaded maps - lvlworld.com/mostdownloads

CZghost Rep. 1799
#9   14 Aug 2014
I like the map poptart from NSW, maybe I will experiment with scanvenger hunt a bit :) Thanks for inspiration :) Altough, there are some minor issues with the items to be found, for example sword and few other things need to noclip over to get it found, so always load the map with cheats enabled (console command /devmap with a parameter of the map short name - poptart) :)
Kyall Rep. 477
#10   18 Aug 2014
Welcome back FistMarine! I was actually gonna make a thread asking about you just a few days before you came back, but I guess this answers it :P

On a slightly different note though, I just noticed that you have 2267 map votes! Which makes me wonder if you'd be the highest reputation member if all of those old votes went towards reputation :P

CZghost Rep. 1799
#11   19 Aug 2014
FistMarine did not much reviewed, so he is half under 100 :)

Edited 23 seconds after the original posting.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#12   20 Aug 2014
Welcome Back FistMarine! Nice to see you back :).
FistMarine Rep. 2532
#13   27 Aug 2014
Thanks guys! :D

For the reputation thing, I didn't know much about it since I left shortly before reputation system was integrated into the website. I voted recently the newer maps that were reviewed after I left and it seemed to add small reputation to my profile.

I was thinking to re-vote the older maps too (no, I don't abuse reputation system) but I wanted to redo the votes since I was being harsh a couple years ago when I voted (I gave bad score to a lot of maps, even those that didn't deserve). I will try being a bit more active too. Thanks for support. :)

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#14   27 Aug 2014
No worries bro! It's good to have you back :)
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#15   29 Aug 2014
@FistMarine: I really like the idea of re-voting on a lot of maps you originally voted 0/10. Especially ones I thought were decent (but not perfect, obviously).

I do the same thing sometimes with my votes & comments. I also re-read some of my oldest comments I posted, and edited really short comments like "cool map" or something not very detailed. Also I'd go back and find misspellings and I may want to correct grammatical mistakes. The good thing is that I can go back and edit most of them. The comments I've made when I wasn't logged in I can't do anything about unless I report them with the intent that they be deleted. I also re-voted a few of my votes because I may have a change of thought in a map.

Edited 2.4 minutes after the original posting.

FistMarine Rep. 2532
#16   31 Aug 2014
OK so I am gonna change the votes of the maps starting by now, it will take me a long time but the effort will be worth. Maps that don't have many votes are going to be a bit harder to decide because it's harder to see the overall opinion of people. I will make a break after voting about 50-100 maps, then continue tomorrow and so on.

Anyways back to the original topic idea of demos, yeah, I guess it will be time consuming to record demos for ALL maps. I'm gonna make for only a couple of maps like sst13's and others. Or I was thinking to do demos for maps that are being included in Frag Love and/or Quake Live? What do you think about that idea? As for demos being hosted, I will make my own FistMarine_DemoPack.zip which will be hosted on a separate review instead of having each demo scattered at each review. I think this idea works the best.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#17   01 Sep 2014
Maps that don't have many votes are going to be a bit harder to decide because it's harder to see the overall opinion of people.

@FistMarine: Well, I personally think you should score a map based on how you fell about the map, or how good it is based on what the author was going for. You shouldn't really let other people sway your opinion, but at the same time its good to consider the effort and intention the author puts into the map. How well the idea is executed and seeing ways its good and ways it could be better are better votes than 'judging a book by it's cover'.

FistMarine Rep. 2532
#18   06 Sep 2014
You are right, there were some reviews that I disagree with, take for example BFG20K who reviewed a couple of sst13's maps and gave them 5/10, I found that unfair but at least the user votes dominated because they scored around 9/10 as far as I remember from previous years.

And yeah, I used to vote the maps by screenshots and reviews years ago but now I look on comments and the overall score of the map as well. Not to say I didn't look before too but I just voted quick by just looking at screenshot, reading review and reading the last comment. I don't really have time to test all the maps because that would take me too much time but I do test the good ones, that's for sure!

And I also kinda miss the old voting system of voting from 0 to 10. Yes I know it's same thing nowadays, say voting 3.5 would mean 7 but I remember you could also vote 7.5, which equals 3.75 right now (3.8 displayed from my older votes).

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#19   06 Sep 2014
I don't really have time to test all the maps because that would take me too much time but I do test the good ones

Okay, but when you do have time for the "other" maps that aren't so good, you really should play them before rating them. I never rate maps I don't play. My profile shows that I haven't downloaded maps that I've played and rated, but that's because I downloaded them while logged out.

FistMarine Rep. 2532
#20   07 Sep 2014
That's true but I want to rate all maps to fix my mistake from past when I wanted to be only member who rated all maps. Now I'm revoting all of them in chronological order (from first to latest) with much better scores. I'm right now at page 250 and still have a lot of work to do, a page usually takes about 1-2 minutes to rate but if I were to download and rate each map, it would take me at least 10 minutes per page and it would be too much work and it's not worth in the end.

Plus that on 15th I start school and I will not have free time anymore (except rarely in some weekends and holidays), so I try my best to rate all maps until then. Then I will have a much easier time in that limited "free time" to rate the new 10 or so maps that get added to site instead of having to rate all these old maps when I could just rate them now, you know.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#21   07 Sep 2014
Let it leave and rate only a percent of maps here :P It will get annoying for you if you want to rate all maps here as there are so much maps it will take really too long time. In best case about year, if I do not count newly reviewed maps. And if you compare the amount of maps here, it will take it about 50 times longer than with stable count of maps here. Do not revote all maps you have voted too low here, instead pick few maps you voted low each day randomly and revote these. We will promise your previous bad votes just as steal is promised after many years. It was just younger you, it's over now ;)
FistMarine Rep. 2532
#22   09 Sep 2014
You are right, I have taken many breaks (I only vote in weekends) and sometimes when I'm bored. I have reached page 230 and there is still a lot of work to do as I get bored fast. I think I am gonna stop to page 150 or 100 when school starts, it's just way too much work to do but I assume my risk to try to vote as much as possible before school starts.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#23   09 Sep 2014
Well, school already started here in Czech Republic, not sure when it starts for you, where are you from anyway? Your country probably has another school year dating...
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#24   10 Sep 2014
@CZghost: FistMarine stated in a post a few years ago that he's Romanian. Now I am not well informed on the school systems existing in Europe, so I will say this from an American perspective. If he's in high school (secondary education) then he probably begins on September 3rd. If he's in a College/University, it depends on his schedule. He also stated in a post he begins on the 15th this month.

With that aside, all I can say is, play and vote on maps you like. But since you can't un-vote on a map, I think you may want to rethink some votes when you have time. When you do, play the map first before making a judgement (stated in my previous 2 comments)

FistMarine Rep. 2532
#25   14 Sep 2014
That's right, my country usually starts on 15th but in previous years it even started on 11th earliest if that day was Monday. As for maps, I reached page 190. I will pretty much stop here. :)

Thank you guys for support! I will continue voting when I get free time, preferably in weekends and holidays. :)

FistMarine Rep. 2532
#26   22 Aug 2015
Hi guys! I apologize for not visiting site earlier, I actually finished a month and half ago with my exams and everything was fine since I passed them. I also signed up for college a month ago. But yeah problem is that I forgot to visit the site lately, maybe I should install Quake 3 Arena, Team Arena expansion and a couple of custom maps and mods. :)
CZghost Rep. 1799
#27   23 Aug 2015
@FistMarine: Go ahead and install Quake 3 Gold, EntityPlus and maybe CPMA :)
FistMarine Rep. 2532
#28   24 Aug 2015
Yes I will install Quake 3 Gold (that installs both Arena and Team Arena), EntityPlus and a ton of custom maps but I don't think I will install CPMA as I don't like that mod. I will install other mods instead. :P

Edited 44 seconds after the original posting.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#29   24 Aug 2015
@FistMarine: Can't say that I blame you on your opinion of CPMA. That mod was not designed for anything but professionals like MLG to use for their tournaments and such. Because of that, It tends to be drained of any kind of fun factor IMO.
What kinds of mods do you like? I could give you some links to some that are really fun, if you're interested.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#30   24 Aug 2015
Then give Excessive Plus a try, it has Instagib, Vampire mod, FreezeTag and Clan Arena :) Classic known in Quake Live, too :)
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